The Consell de Mallorca approves the awarding of the new ITV service contract for the next two years for 33.7 million euros and an increase of 100,000 inspections per year

Aug 1, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The contract, awarded to the company Estación ITV Vega Baja, foresees the opening of the new Calvià station and an increase of 55 workers, distributed among the five stations on the island.

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The Consell de Mallorca approves the awarding of the new ITV service contract for the next two years for 33.7 million euros and an increase of 100,000 inspections per year

The Consell de Mallorca has approved today, in the Consell Executiu chaired by President Llorenç Galmés, the awarding of the new contract for the Technical Vehicle Inspection Service (ITV) for the next two years, with an amount of 33.7 million euros. This contract has been promoted to reduce waiting lists as much as possible over the next few years and improve the service to the citizens of Mallorca.

Specifically, the new contractor is obliged to increase the number of inspections by 100,000 per year, which will mean going from 402,000 ITV inspections to 502,000 over the next two years. Likewise, the new contract foresees the opening of the new station in the Son Bugadelles industrial estate in Calvià, with 9,000 monthly inspections starting in October. All this will be possible thanks to the increase in the workforce with up to 55 new workers, of which 30 will be for the new Calvià station and the rest will be distributed among the stations in Palma, Inca and Manacor. The new adjudication will be definitive once the period of 15 days allowed by law to present allegations has elapsed.

It should be remembered that the Consell de Mallorca has made significant efforts over the last year to reduce the waiting list. Among other things, the contract for the mobile station in Calvià, which had been ordered to close in June 2023, was extended, which would have meant leaving more than 4,000 monthly inspections without being carried out. It has also been open for some months during weekends, intending to speed up inspections. Now, with the new contract, it is expected that the service will have far fewer waiting days for vehicle inspections.

Another improvement of the new contract is that the five ITV stations will incorporate the F-Brake braking assessment system for commercial vehicles, buses and trucks. Until now, these types of vehicles had to pass the inspection with a full load to measure braking, but now this will no longer be necessary. This will reduce inspection time and eliminate inconvenience for transport professionals.