FIRA B! opens the registration period for professional conferences

Aug 2, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

These are aimed at anyone involved in music and the performing arts, and their objective is to promote exchange networks on a national and international level.

The Mercat Professional de Música i Arts Escèniques de les Illes Balears, Fira B! opens today, 1st August, the registration period for the professional conferences. The conference is open to anyone involved in music and the performing arts, whether a promoter, artist, programmer, distributor or any other type of professional in the sector.

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FIRA B! opens the registration period for professional conferences

The Fira B! performing arts professional conferences will be held at the Mar i Terra theatre from 3 to 5 October, from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm. The main themes to be addressed will be the Alcover Network and the new Mediterranean circuit; how we inhabit space through the live arts; communicating the performing arts; moving arts festivals; residencies and mediation in the live arts; speed meetings and short presentations of current projects.

The aim is to promote exchange networks between performing arts professionals at national and international level. The professional conferences are a unique opportunity to share experiences, knowledge and establish new collaborations.

The performing arts programme will take place in different venues in Palma, such as the Teatre Principal, the Mar i Terra and Xesc Forteza municipal theatres, the Es Baluard contemporary art museum, the Plaça Miquel Maura and other surprise locations that will be announced in September.

There will be shows by Balearic companies such as Els dies bons, by Produccions de Ferro; Cuirassa oberta, by Cía. Marilén Ribot, winner of the IEB Creation grant and ATAPIB 2023 award for best female performer; Odissees, by La Mecànica; Scroll, by Unaiuna; S’albufera, by Mariona Jaume and Maya Triay, winner of the IEB Creation grant; Ofèlia, by Cía. Fiblada; Bad moon, by Cía. Migrants, with text by Héctor Seoane and ATAPIB award for best playwriting 2023; El viatge, by Cía. ses Honorables Virtuts Il-lògiques d’Eivissa, and La nit just abans dels boscos, with text by Bernard-Marie Koltès and version directed by Pau Pascual.

There will also be international shows such as Eclipsi total, by the Valencian company El Pont Flotant; Cabeza en las nubes, by the German company United Cowboys, and Maybe a concert, by the Swiss artist Raïssa Avilés.

As far as the music programme is concerned, there will be a varied selection of showcases including urban, pop/rock/indie, jazz, traditional and global music, and classical/contemporary artists. The concerts will be held at the Xesc Forteza theatre on the 6th and 9th of November, and at Es Gremi on the 7th and 8th of November. Featured artists include Maria Hein, Plan-ET, Baaldo, Geometrical Sardine, Verlaat, Laura Sam (Basque Country), Guille Wheel, Pere Navarro Quintet, Petros Klampanis (Greece), Pitxorines, Júlia Colom, Carlota Cáceres and Sofi Páez (Germany), among many others. Poland will also have a special relevance, with the visit of an important delegation of professionals and the presentation of groups such as Coals and O.N.E.

On 6 November, a day dedicated to classical music will be held at the Mar i Terra Theatre. On the 7th and 8th of November, professional sessions will be held for all styles, with the 9th of November reserved for the jazz sessions at Ca n’Oleo. The main themes will include co-programming and sustainability, music in the audiovisual world and tools for artists to survive in the music sector. There will be panels, workshops, speedmeetings and other networking activities.

This year, the performing arts and music programming will also be held in different weeks; 3-6 October and 6-9 November, respectively.