The Govern and the Consell de Mallorca agree on the importance of continuing to improve public transport in Mallorca

Aug 2, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The councillor José Luis Mateo maintains a first contact with the president of the Consell, Llorenç Galmés, and the island councillor Fernando Rubio, to address future projects for mobility and territory.

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The Govern and the Consell de Mallorca agree on the importance of continuing to improve public transport in Mallorca

New institutional meeting during the round of meetings of the new councillor of Housing, Territory and Mobility of the Government of the Balearic Islands, José Luis Mateo. The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, met today with the councillor José Luis Mateo, in a first contact between the two institutions to establish future projects on issues of mobility and territory over which both the Consell and the Govern have competencies.

Galmés, who was accompanied by the island’s councillor for Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, took advantage of the meeting with councillor Mateo to ask the government to continue promoting improvements to public transport in Mallorca, as has been done by the government’s Ministry of Housing, Territory and Mobility, both in the TIB intercity bus network and in Mallorca’s train and metro.

The Councillor for Housing, Territory and Mobility of the Government, José Luis Mateo, has highlighted, the TIB bus network, the incorporation of ten new buses that will improve the service and reinforcement, and has explained the increase in frequency that has occurred both in the summer season, which this year was advanced to 22 March with an increase in frequency in a total of 24 bus lines, the service has been resumed on 16 lines and the new line 121 has been incorporated; As during the winter, when it was reinforced with an increase in the offer of 27 bus lines compared to the previous winter.

About the rail network, Mateo emphasised the gradual arrival of five new trains this year and the incorporation of 13 new train drivers which will strengthen SFM’s train and metro network, with improved frequencies and timetables, as well as recalling that last May, for the first time in its history, SFM achieved more than one million passengers in a month.

Improvements to the public transport network in Mallorca to respond to the increase in users, which between January and June of this year has increased by 24% more than in the same period last year (TIB buses, trains and metro of Mallorca), taking into account that there have been two periods with free public transport.

On behalf of the Consell, Llorenç Galmés is committed to quality public transport as a real alternative to the private car and, consequently, to help reduce the number of vehicles on Mallorca’s roads. The island institution wants to promote the use of public transport in coordination with the municipalities and the government, as stated in the agreements of the government for Mallorca.

Both the Consell and the Govern also coincide in calling on the Spanish government to recover the road and railway agreements so that the necessary state funding can reach Mallorca to improve infrastructure and the public transport network.

Likewise, the President of the Consell highlighted the actions to improve access to Palma and to promote sustainable mobility promoted by the island institution. This is the case of the Civic Roads Plan, with an investment of 45 million euros, and the Section 1 Project