The sustainable tourism demand and tourism strategy groups of the Social and Political Pact for the Sustainability of the Balearic Islands have been set up

Aug 2, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This first meeting has been held jointly due to the large number of representatives that coincide in both groups.

This morning two new working groups of the Social and Political Pact for the Sustainability of the Balearic Islands were set up, one on sustainable tourism demand and the other on tourism strategy. This meeting, which was held at Ca n’Oleo, was a joint one, as both groups share the majority of members. However, future meetings will be held separately to be able to analyse in depth the specific issues of each of them.

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The sustainable tourism demand and tourism strategy groups of the Social and Political Pact for the Sustainability of the Balearic Islands have been set up

The tourism strategy group is coordinated by Pere Joan Planas, director of the Balearic Islands Tourism Strategy Agency (AETIB), while the sustainable tourism demand group is coordinated by Catalina Barceló, director general of Economy and Statistics.

Pere Joan Planas explained that for the tourism strategy group, the main blocks of work to be dealt with will be tourism promotion and attendance at tourism fairs, the strategic product to be promoted, and the management of the Sustainable Tourism Tax and its main lines of investment. As for the number of meetings to be held in the coming months, Planas explained that “the pace of work and the richness of the contents will mark our calendar, although our idea is to be able to close the year with some conclusion”. For his part, Barceló stressed that it is necessary to know the profile and behaviour of visitors and to understand the flow of demand in order to address the proposals that arrive. He also stressed the importance of working on the services demanded by visitors.

The working dynamic of this Pact for Sustainability has a first level based on citizen participation through the website, where more than 100 proposals have already been registered. These are transferred to each of the working groups in which social, political, tourism and social agents will participate in order to reach a consensus. Finally, the conclusions validated by all the entities and groups that form part of the Social and Political Pact for the Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability of the Balearic Islands will be offered and will be included in a joint document.

Representatives of the sustainable tourism demand group

Island Councils of Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera, FELIB, parliamentary political groups, Palma and Calvià Town Councils, AETIB, Balearic Association of Tourist Guides, Proguías de Mallorca Association, Ashome, Hotel Chains, UK, German and French consulates, Federation of Neighbourhood Associations, FEHM, FHEF, Fòrum de la Sociedad Civil, Habtur, Ocio de Ibiza and Pimeco – Afedeco.

Representatives of the Tourism Strategy Group

Consells insulars, FELIB, Foment del Turisme de Mallorca, Menorca e Ibiza, Abactur, Abone, Asociación Balear de Guías Turísticos, Asociación Proguías de Mallorca, Ashome, Aviba, Cadenas Hoteleras, Exceltur, Habtur, Turistec, FEHM, FHEF, Fòrum de la Societat Civil, Ocio de Ibiza and Restauración CAEB.