The Consell de Mallorca will increase the number of tourism inspectors by 50% to fight against illegal offers

Aug 4, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The department headed by Marcial Rodríguez will increase the number of inspectors from 20 to 30 and will incorporate an additional 17 people in sanctioning and management to improve the processing of cases.

The Consell de Mallorca’s Department of Tourism will increase the number of tourism inspectors by 50% to intensify the fight against illegal tourism, from 20 to 30, with the addition of 10 new people.

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The Consell de Mallorca will increase the number of tourism inspectors by 50% to fight against illegal offers

At the same time, there will be another 12 new additions in the sanctions area, tripling the 5 currently in place, and another 5 in the management area to improve the processing of cases. In total, 27 new people will join the department to contribute to the work against illegal tourism in Mallorca, as detailed this morning by the councillor José Marcial Rodríguez Díaz, who appeared accompanied by the island’s Director of Supply and Quality, Clara del Moral.

In this sense, Rodríguez justified the need to increase the number of staff by the fact that at the beginning of the legislature, “there were 20 inspectors and 3 people processing files in the sanctions area, which was insufficient, as the ratio was one processor for every 7 inspectors, which has led us to increase the department with 27 new people so that now the ratio will be one processor for every two inspectors, tripling the current processing capacity as we will go from 5 to 17 people”.
In this way, with 30 inspectors and 17 processors in the sanctions area, Rodríguez believes that “effectiveness and management will improve notably, with even more positive results”. “Only in this way will we be able to put an end to the imbalance that existed in the department”, added the councillor shortly before emphasising the need “to consolidate our efforts to tackle illegal supply, and that is why today we can announce that we are going a step further and will have more staff from now on, throughout the Supply and Quality department”.

The department’s objective with this increase in staff is to continue to improve management and intensify the fight against illegal supply, and to achieve this, the island’s Directorate of Supply and Quality, headed by Clara del Moral, will have the necessary funds to deal with this increase.
An increase in staff is “the confirmation that the transfer of powers was negligent, as the increase in tourism vacancies was not taken into account when it came to providing the Consell de Mallorca with inspectors, even though the Government already had more staff,” added Rodríguez, who pointed out that this is also another reason why “we have asked the ITS for funds, to make progress in the fight against illegal supply, because we need to continue to lead this battle to be able to corner the illegal ones.