The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment opens the public consultation process for the preliminary draft of the new agricultural law of the Balearic Islands

Aug 6, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

A period of two months has been established so that affected individuals and organisations, as well as the general public, can make their contributions through the Citizen Participation Portal.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment has opened the public consultation process for the preliminary draft of the new agricultural law of the Balearic Islands. A period of two months (from 1 August to 1 October) has been set aside for this process so that affected individuals and organisations, as well as the general public, can make their contributions. The main objective is to ascertain the opinion of the public before the final text is processed and drafted.

The drafting of preliminary draft of the new agrarian law, which is a commitment of the current Government of the Balearic Islands, is aimed at the general organisation of the agricultural, livestock, agri-food and forestry sectors, and the rural development of the Balearic Islands. All of this is always based on the recognition of their strategic and multifunctional nature, within the framework of the European common agricultural policy and State legislation, and in a way that recognises the fact that they are islands.

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The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment opens the public consultation process for the preliminary draft of the new agricultural law of the Balearic Islands

With this new text, agricultural activity must be given the importance it deserves, not only as a productive activity but also in terms of its social, territorial, landscape, environmental and cultural aspects. Furthermore, we must not forget that it is an economic activity, and therefore its profitability, viability and continuity over time must be guaranteed.

Councillor Joan Simonet stated that this new draft bill must be born with the support of the entire sector (professional agricultural organisations, cooperatives, professional agricultural associations and groups, and professional associations related to the sector) and civil society. In this sense, he pointed out that “we must count on the participation of all the representative actors so that the law includes the aspects that are considered essential to favour agricultural activity in the Balearic Islands. We want a law that recognises our reality and responds to the needs of the sector.

The information and procedure for participating in this process can be found on the Balearic Islands Government’s Citizen Participation Portal, which can be accessed via this link: notice of prior consultation on the draft Balearic Islands agricultural law.