Educació publishes the list of difficult-to-fill specialities to define very difficult-to-fill posts for the next academic year

Aug 7, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Direcció General de Personal Docent i Centres Concertats de la Conselleria de Educació i Universitats has published on its website the list of difficult-to-fill specialities for the academic year 2024/2025. These specialities will be used to define the positions that will be very difficult to fill for the next academic year.

Following the publication of the definitive lists of provisional postings on 31 July, the Department of Education and Universities has now published the list of specialities that are difficult to fill.

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Educació publishes the list of difficult-to-fill specialities to define very difficult-to-fill posts for the next academic year

The difficult-to-fill index for a speciality is the ratio between the number of places available in this speciality, day and island, that remains to be allocated and the number of applicants admitted and available to fill them. A speciality will be classified as a difficult-to-fill speciality when its difficult-to-fill index is less than five applicants per post.

Thus, the published list of difficult-to-fill specialities for the next academic year shows that on the island of Eivissa, there are up to 49 specialities classified as difficult to fill, 12 on the island of Formentera, 34 on Mallorca and 18 on Menorca.

It should be recalled that the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities agreed last June to declare posts very difficult to fill, difficult to fill and dangerous, arduous and toxic, after the Government of the Balearic Islands approved the Decree-Law on urgent measures for administrative simplification and rationalisation, which includes the creation of these allowances.

The positions that are very difficult to fill are those in specialities where the number of applicants in the pool of interim civil servants for each of the positions is less than 5 candidates or which, once the adjudication procedures for interim civil servant applicants have been called, are filled at least 15 days after they have been called.

For these posts, a monthly allowance of 300 euros was agreed for the academic year 2024/2025, rising to 400 euros from the academic year 2025/2026. This allowance will be paid in all monthly payments and will also be paid to teachers in Menorca and Eivissa for positions classified as very difficult to fill. Likewise, after the last Technical Bureau of Insularity, it was agreed that all positions on the island of Formentera will be declared very difficult to cover.

Once defined the places of very difficult to cover for the academic year 2024/2025, the complements that correspond to them must be approved by the Consell de Govern.