The Consell Insular allocates 25,000 euros to PIME for the development of active occupational and continuous training programmes

Aug 9, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The aim is to contribute to improving and adapting the professional skills of workers to the needs of the market.

The Executive Council of the Consell Insular de Menorca has approved the collaboration agreement between the island administration and PIME Menorca for the development of active occupational and continuous training programmes for the year 2024.

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The Consell Insular allocates 25,000 euros to PIME for the development of active occupational and continuous training programmes

This aid aims to promote and support the implementation of occupational and continuous training programmes developed in Menorca by the business and professional associations that are part of PIME Menorca. The aim is to contribute to improving and adapting the professional skills of workers to the needs of the market and to promote a rapid and appropriate integration into the labour market, with the ultimate goal of improving their employability.

Occupational training courses are understood as those that provide basic knowledge for jobs and trades with a high demand for personnel in various sectors. They are theoretical and practical training programmes that aim to improve professional qualification and employability through the acquisition and improvement of the professional skills of workers. They are mainly aimed at unemployed and ERTE workers and the self-employed.

Continuous training, on the other hand, is aimed at improving the professional qualification of workers in order to adapt their profiles to the needs of the company. It is mainly aimed at active workers, although it is also open to unemployed or ERTE workers.

For its part, the Department of Culture, Education, Youth and Sports contributes to the development of the actions described with the granting of a nominative aid in favour of PIME Menorca of 25,000 euros. The amount of the subsidy includes actions for the dissemination, administration and coordination of the training courses, as well as the purchase of teaching materials, teachers’ salaries and travel to Menorca.

All these actions must be duly justified with a maximum deadline for presenting the justification of 28 February 20