Planned seats on international flights for August reach 12.6 million, 10.3% more than a year ago

Aug 14, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Comparing the forecast number of seats in August with the data for the same month in 2023, the main outbound markets continue to perform well: the United Kingdom (+7.7%), Germany (+8.5%), Italy (+13.1%) and France (9.4%).

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Planned seats on international flights for August reach 12.6 million, 10.3% more than a year ago

The total number of seats expected on international flights to Spain in August 2024 reached 12.6 million, according to data released by Turespaña. Compared to the same month in 2023, when 11.4 million were offered, the year-on-year increase is 10.3%.

Comparing the forecasts for the number of seats in August with the data recorded on the same date in 2023, the main issuing markets continue to perform well: the United Kingdom (+7.7%), Germany (+8.5%), Italy (+13.1%) and France (9.4%).

On the other hand, the outstanding increases in Poland and the Czech Republic stand out, with 41.2% and 29.4% increases respectively. Likewise, the notable rise in the USA continued, with a 12.1% increase, and countries such as Austria, with an increase of 10.8%, and Turkey, which grew by 11.3%.

Among the Ibero-American markets, Mexico recorded the highest volume of programmed capacities, with 9.7%.