Elma Saiz and Colombian Vice-President Francia Márquez meet to discuss inclusion and equality policies

Aug 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister for Social Security, Inclusion and Migration and the Colombian Vice-President focused their meeting on minimum incomes as a tool to combat vulnerability, measures to reduce the gender gap and migration policies.

The Spanish Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, met with the Colombian Vice-President and Minister for Equality and Equity, Francia Márquez, in a meeting aimed at sharing experiences and strengthening the relationship between the two countries, especially in the area of social policies.

The meeting, held this Wednesday in Bogotá, allowed Minister Saiz to share with the Colombian Vice-President the Spanish Government’s experience in many areas, mainly: the design of a minimum income such as the Minimum Living Income, the reforms undertaken both in the field of employment and Social Security, policies to reduce the gender gap and migration policies.

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Elma Saiz and Colombian Vice-President Francia Márquez meet to discuss inclusion and equality policies

Elma Saiz and Colombian Vice-President Francia Márquez meet to discuss inclusion and equality policies

The Minister for Social Security, Inclusion and Migration and the Colombian Vice-President focused their meeting on minimum incomes as a tool to combat vulnerability, measures to reduce the gender gap and migration policies.

On the other hand, both government representatives assessed the international situation and its repercussions on their respective countries and agreed on the need for policies that provide certainty for citizens. In Spain, Saiz explained to her interlocutor, that the reforms implemented by the government have made it possible to transform the labour market, which is reaching record levels of stable, quality employment and which is helping to strengthen the pension system.

Impact of minimum incomes
Both representatives discussed the minimum income model for citizens as an effective tool in the fight against severe poverty, as well as the associated policies that promote inclusion.

Elma Saiz shared the Government’s commitment to a model of scientific evaluation of the policies linked to the Minimum Living Income, which makes it possible to measure the effectiveness of the measures implemented and adapt them to real needs. The Social Policy Laboratory (Policy Lab) is an international benchmark, endorsed by the European Union and in which countries such as the United States and organisations such as the World Bank have shown interest.

Vice-president Márquez, in turn, explained the Citizen’s Income model, a programme which, like the Minimum Vital Income, seeks to provide a basic income for citizens.

Equality and joint responsibility
On the other hand, Minister Saiz and Vice-President Márquez agreed on the need to design measures to advance gender equality, as well as co-responsibility between men and women in childcare.

Vice-president Márquez showed her interest in the supplement to reduce the gender gap, one of the measures that has had the greatest impact on the road to equality, and which has already reduced the pension gap by five points, thus improving the vulnerability of women pensioners. Elma Saiz also pointed out that Spain has been a pioneer in regulating identical parental leave for both parents for childbirth and childcare, a measure which, moreover, favours the employability of women, as it means a more equitable distribution of family responsibilities.

Regular migration: We Care Project
This meeting is the first on the agenda that Minister Saiz will be holding over the next few days in Colombia, which will also focus on the migration policies of both countries. In the last 10 years, the number of workers from the Andean country has increased fourfold, currently around 219,000.

Regular migration is one of Spain’s priorities, which is why it has submitted a proposal for the implementation of the WeCare labour migration project, focused on labour mobility in the care sector, with Colombia as a preferred partner country. This initiative seeks to address and resolve labour shortages in both countries through a skills partnership model.

During her trip, Minister Saiz will hold a meeting with the Spanish colony – around 51,547 Spaniards live in Colombia, according to the latest INE data, half men and half women. She will also visit the Safe Mobility Office and participate in the ‘Dialogue of women leaders of the diasporas in Latin America and the Caribbean’, organised in Cartagena de Indias by the International Organisation for Migration, the Organisation of American States and the International Labour Organisation, among other institutions.

‘It is a real honour to be able to meet with Vice President and Minister Francia Márquez. This meeting represents an important step in our shared commitment to social inclusion and equity. I am convinced that this dialogue will enrich our approaches and promote greater collaboration between our countries,’ concluded Saiz.

The meeting between the two officials marks a milestone in the collaboration between Spain and Colombia, which will continue in the future to advance public policies that guarantee equality and comprehensive social protection, as well as regular labour mobility between the two countries.