Inca continues to renovate the municipal water network

Aug 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The council is investing 300,000 euros in the water cycle to renovate the sewage pipes and reform the water tanks.

The Inca Town Council continues to develop the Municipal Water Management Plan and during these months is carrying out important actions to improve the water cycle. A total of 8 interventions have already been planned, half of which have already been carried out, involving an investment of approximately 300,000 euros.

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Inca continues to renovate the municipal water network

‘Every year we make important investments in the water cycle. These actions are absolutely necessary, as they allow us to improve the water network and reduce pipe breaks, water losses and improve the service’, explains the Councillor for Services, María del Carmen Oses.

Thus, over the last few months, work has been carried out to renovate and replace the sewage pipes in Carrer Andreu Caimari, Carrer Hostals, Carrer Font, Carrer Sirena and Carrer Pureza. In this way, the sewage system has also been renewed.

Next, the Raiguer town council will also renovate and improve the sewage network in Calle Sant Francesc and Calle Velázquez. These actions will be carried out during the last quarter of the year.

In addition, a project to consolidate the surroundings and structure of the S’Ermita water tank will be carried out in September. Likewise, at the end of the year, work will also begin to improve and reform the Serral water tank. Specifically, the overhead tank will be removed and the inside of the underground tank will be refurbished. The latter will include waterproofing work.

‘So, little by little we are taking steps to considerably improve the service and the water network in our city. However, we will continue to work resolutely on the implementation of the Municipal Water Management Plan in a gradual and coordinated manner,’ Oses emphasises.