Consell de Eivissa and Cáritas sign the agreement for the development of the Day Centre and Dining Room programme for 146,000 euros

Aug 19, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The president of the Consell Insular de Eivissa, Vicent Marí, and the director of Cáritas Diocesana de Eivissa, Joan Torres, have signed a collaboration agreement under which the Consell will provide 146,892.31 euros to enable the charity to run the Day Centre and Soup Kitchen programme for people at risk of social exclusion.

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Consell de Eivissa and Cáritas sign the agreement for the development of the Day Centre and Dining Room programme for 146,000 euros

Of the total of this subsidy, the Consell de Eivissa will advance 75% from the signing of the agreement (110,169.23 €) while the remaining 25% (36,723.08 €) will be paid once the first 75% is justified,

The social dining room and day centre service of Cáritas Diocesana de Eivissa supports people who suffer difficulties of social or community integration due to precarious working conditions, unemployment, poverty, homelessness, family breakdown, mental illness and chronic illnesses.

President Vicent Marí stressed the importance of this agreement to ‘guarantee the development of basic assistance activities such as the Day Centre and Social Dining Room, aimed at people with these types of needs throughout the island of Eivissa. It is an act of solidarity that we must recognise and help as much as possible.

The signing of the agreement was also attended by the councillor for Social Welfare, Family and Equality, Carolina Escandell.