EMT workshops collaborate with PalmaActiva to train ten young people as part of the ‘SOIB Jove’ programme

Aug 21, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Ten students complete their theoretical training with practical work experience in mechanical and sheet metal repairs in the EMT Palma workshops and prepare to enter the world of work.

PalmaActiva, in collaboration with the EMT, is training ten young people in the field of vehicle maintenance and repair for their future insertion into the world of work.

These young people, aged between 16 and 30, will undergo 11 months of paid training to obtain the certificate of professionalism in ‘Maintenance of non-structural elements of vehicle bodywork’. If they complete the course, they will obtain the Level II qualification, which is equivalent to having passed compulsory secondary education.

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EMT workshops collaborate with PalmaActiva

The training, part of the ‘SOIB Jove Formación y Ocupación’ programme, is divided into various blocks that include specific content on electromechanics, and repair of mechanical, synthetic and non-structural elements. The students learn to dismantle and assemble different elements of the vehicle, repair them and give them treatments, such as rust or welding, install adhesive elements or repair windows, among others.

After the theoretical training, the students carry out the practical work under the supervision of the EMT workshop technicians and Ana Atienza, a specialist automotive technician: ‘The first thing is to clean the part to be able to identify the damage, recognise the material used, choose the tools, tools and components necessary for the repair’, explains Atienza.

Future job placement

In parallel to the theoretical training and its practical application, these young people have support and guidance for their future job placement.

Maite Gil is the technical specialist in pedagogical care and is responsible for organising the training and making contacts with companies, visiting them, arranging interviews and underpinning the labour market insertion processes of these young people.

‘We provide them with an individualised itinerary, we help them to prepare their CVs, to present themselves socially and we try to provide them with essential transversal skills when looking for a job and for working life. In addition, the programme encourages young people to train beyond the established programme, signing up for complementary courses, whether face-to-face or online, and expanding their training, both with internal resources from Palma Activa and external resources from other entities, adds Maite.

EMT Palma’s management is very positive about its participation in this programme, as it enables it to train future professionals who, at the same time, carry out effective work for the company. It is a commitment that has repercussions and benefits all parties involved, they point out.