Families with dependent children and incomes below 40% of the national average can now access the food card

Aug 21, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Balearic Islands will opt for a mixed system of food distribution to ensure that no one is left unattended.

Families in the Balearic Islands with dependent children and incomes below 40% of the national average can now access the European Social Fund’s Basic Material Assistance Plus (Basic Programme), known as food cards.

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Families with dependent children and incomes below 40% of the national average can now access the food card

The beneficiaries of the Basic Programme must meet the established criteria, such as being residents of the Balearic Islands and being part of a cohabitation unit with children under 18 years of age. In addition, the income of the cohabitation unit must be less than 40% of the national average income. The Directorate General of Social Affairs will be the body responsible for verifying compliance with the requirements and referring families to the Spanish Red Cross, the entity responsible for its management.

This measure is expected to benefit around 1,500 families, although it will be the basic municipal social services that will be in charge of detecting the cohabitation units that are candidates for this aid.

Even so, the Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs wishes to reiterate its commitment to a mixed model of food distribution. It should be remembered that the Regional Minister for Families and Social Affairs, Catalina Cirer, has on numerous occasions expressed her support for other types of aid associated with food distribution, such as food banks, soup kitchens or organisations that distribute necessities, intending to reach the maximum number of people in need.