New technologies for energy recovery at the desalination plants of Alcúdia, Andratx, Ciutadella and Santa Eulària des Riu

Aug 23, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Abaqua approves the start of the contracting dossier for the project to install isobaric equipment in the high-pressure pumps of the IDAMs.

The board of directors of the Balearic Water and Environmental Quality Agency (ABAQUA) has approved the start of the contracting file for the project to install isobaric energy recovery equipment (ERI’s) in the high-pressure pumps of the Alcúdia, Andratx, Ciutadella and Santa Eulària des Riu seawater desalination plants (IDAM). This project, divided into four lots, has a total budget of 9,725,998.12 euros excluding VAT (11,768,457.73 euros including VAT).

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New technologies for energy recovery at the desalination plants of Alcúdia, Andratx, Ciutadella and Santa Eulària des Riu

The purpose of the project is the installation of ERI’s to reduce the ratio of energy consumed per cubic metre of desalinated water. From an economic point of view, a payback period of between 8.1 and 10.1 years is expected, depending on the installation, thanks to the significant energy savings achieved and the current cost of energy.

From an environmental point of view, the reduction of energy consumption will result in a reduction of CO2 emissions, contributing to the fight against climate change. The implementation of this project is in line with the Law on Infrastructures and Technical Equipment (LIET), which promotes the protection of the natural environment and technological innovation.

The incorporation of this new technology will allow a greater amount of residual energy to be recovered from the reverse osmosis system in the form of rejection pressure, thus reducing electricity consumption.

The specific benefits for each installation are as follows:

IDAM Alcúdia: Savings of 0.31 kWh/m³, which means a total saving of 1,303 MWh/year and a reduction of 354 tonnes of CO2 per year.
IDAM Andratx: Savings of 0.42 kWh/m³, equivalent to 1,664 MWh/year and a reduction of 453 tonnes of CO2 per year.
IDAM Ciutadella: Savings of 0.20 kWh/m³, with a total of 240 MWh/year and a reduction of 65 tonnes of CO2 per year.
IDAM Santa Eulària des Riu: Savings of 0.53 kWh/m³, resulting in a total saving of 2,364 MWh/year and a reduction of 643 tonnes of CO2 per year.
The breakdown of the budget by lots is as follows:

Lot 1: IDAM Alcúdia: 2.907.470,28 euros without VAT (3.518.039,04 euros with VAT)
Lot 2: IDAM Andratx: 2.434.055,90 euros without VAT (2.945.207,64 euros with VAT)
Lot 3: IDAM Ciutadella: 1.065.378,55 euros without VAT (1.289.108,05 euros with VAT)
Lot 4: IDAM Santa Eulària des Riu: 3,319,093.39 euros excluding VAT (4,016,103.00 euros with VAT).
These works will not only improve the energy efficiency of the desalination facilities, but will also contribute to more sustainable water management in the Balearic Islands. ABAQUA reaffirms its commitment to the improvement and sustainability of desalination infrastructures, guaranteeing an efficient and environmentally friendly water supply.