Record of participation in the Premis Mallorca de Literatura 2024 with a total of 454 works submitted

Aug 24, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

246 works will compete in the call in Catalan and 208 in Spanish, with an endowment of 113,000 euros: 79,000 and 34,000 respectively.

Record participation in the Premis Mallorca de literatura 2024 with a total of 454 works submitted, compared to 276 the previous year, which was the edition with the highest number of entries to date. Specifically, 246 works will compete in the call for entries in Catalan and 208 in Spanish. Thus, the Consell de Mallorca has successfully concluded the deadline for submitting works for this sixteenth edition of the Premis Mallorca de Creació Literària, which has an endowment of 113,000 euros: 79,000 in Catalan and 34,000 in Spanish.

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Record of participation in the Premis Mallorca de Literatura 2024 with a total of 454 works submitted

The vice-president of the Consell de Mallorca and councillor of Culture and Heritage, Antònia Roca, pointed out that ‘for the first time, there are prizes in Spanish, so that all literary creators on our island can participate, with no exceptions’, and noted that the competition has been a great success, and she is confident that the level of entries will be as high as in recent years: ‘This year’s participation shows that the Premis Mallorca are more alive than ever, and I’m sure that the jury will have a very difficult time deciding which ones will be the winners, given the high quality of the works submitted in recent years.

Regarding participation in the Catalan-language competition, the following categories have been presented more than last year: 18 works have been presented in the children’s literature category, 56 in the theatrical texts category, and 16 works in the essay category, two more than last year in the first two categories, and four more in the essay category. In the narrative category, 54 works were submitted; poetry is the category with the highest number of entries, with a total of 102.

As for the Spanish language category, 205 works were submitted for the poetry awards and 3 for the essay awards. In this case, participation in the poetry category was much higher than in the essay category, as usual, due to the technical requirements of the latter type and the thematic restrictions, as only essays that deal with events related to Mallorca can be submitted. The vice-president of the Consell de Mallorca and councillor of Culture and Heritage, Antònia Roca, points out that ‘for the first time, literary creators in Spanish have been able to present their work, with a high level of participation even though this is the first year of this competition’.

It should be noted that the works in Spanish will not compete with those presented in Catalan, but are two different calls for entries: ‘The aim is that the novelty of the call for entries in Spanish will not be to the detriment of the Catalan language, and so the traditional prizes will continue with the same budget allocation and with the same purpose for which they were created’, explained Roca, who also pointed out that “in the call for entries in Catalan, the figures show the consolidation of the most recent creative categories, such as children’s literature, essays and plays”.

Prize money

This edition of the Premis Mallorca de Creació Literària in Catalan consists of a total of five categories: narrative, with 25,000 euros; poetry with 15,000 euros; essays with 19,000 euros; plays and illustrated children’s literature, with 10,000 euros respectively. The call-in Spanish is divided into two categories: poetry, with 15,000 euros, and essay, with 19,000 euros.