SFM recovers the traditional clocks at Inca train station

Aug 24, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Inca station has a new clock on the façade 80 years later and the other three historic clocks on the platforms and inside the building have been restored and put into operation.

This action to restore the railway heritage is in addition to the recent renovation of the lighting and improvement of energy efficiency at Inca station.

Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca (SFM) has recovered the four traditional clocks at Inca train station after several decades – a new clock on the exterior façade of the main building and the restoration of three historic clocks on the platforms and inside the building. This action to recover railway heritage is in addition to the recent renovation of the lighting and improvement of the energy efficiency of this station and other facilities of the railway network.

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SFM recovers the traditional clocks at Inca train station

Inca station now has a new clock on the exterior façade of its main building after many years. The new chronograph is located in the same space that was left empty when the original clock was removed in the 1940s. Since then, the station has remained without this significant element, so closely linked to the railway world and present on most of the façades of the old stations.

The intervention is part of an action in which SFM has recovered the four clocks at Inca station, since, in addition to this new clock on the main façade, two clocks on the platforms and one inside the building have been restored. The assembly consisted of installing a radio-controlled electronic BTE pattern, which is responsible for setting the time on the station’s four dials, so that the four clocks will be synchronised with the time, always satellite time, making the two annual time changes automatically.

A methacrylate dial, imitating the original, has been installed to recover the main clock on the façade. The machinery of the other three clocks, which had been out of order for years, has been updated. A twilight sensor has also been installed so the three exterior clocks light up at sunset.

The work to recover all the clocks at the Inca station comes on top of the recent completion of the work that has involved a comprehensive intervention on the lighting of the facility, to improve energy efficiency and lighting levels.

This process, which is being carried out in all the stations in the network and which represents a significant benefit in environmental and economic terms, as well as an increase in safety for users, has included the following actions: replacement of all the old lighting with new, more efficient LED technology elements; installation of new lighting points, homogenisation of lighting levels, reinforcement of lighting in accesses and stairways and installation of consumption monitoring equipment.

With these two interventions, Inca Station takes a step forward in compliance with SFM’s firm commitment to the continuous improvement of the facilities and the recovery of the railway heritage.