The IBAVI and the Consell de Menorca signed a new agreement for the management of the Housing Accompaniment Service for Citizens on the island

Aug 25, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The IBAVI cedes the use of a space in the new offices in Borja Moll Street with Fernández de Angulo where the staff assigned by the Consell will provide the accompaniment service.

The councillor José Luis Mateo and the president of the Consell, Adolfo Vilafranca, signed the agreement and held the first institutional meeting.

The Balearic Housing Institute (IBAVI) and the Consell de Menorca reinforce in a new agreement the collaboration for the management of the Service of Accompaniment to the Citizens in Housing Matters on the island, which will be provided in the new offices of the IBAVI in Borja Moll street with Fernández de Angulo street in Maó, where the staff assigned by the insular institution will work to provide this free service for the citizens of Menorca.

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The IBAVI and the Consell de Menorca signed a new agreement for the management of the Housing Accompaniment Service for Citizens on the island

The Minister of Housing, Territory and Mobility of the Government of the Balearic Islands, José Luis Mateo, and the President of the Consell de Menorca, met today at the headquarters of the island institution, in Maó, in their first institutional meeting, and signed the collaboration agreement for the management of the Service of Accompaniment to Citizens in Housing Matters. Also taking part in the meeting were the island councillor for Territorial and Tourism Planning, Núria Torrent, and the IBAVI delegate in Menorca, Àgueda Reynés.

The new IBAVI offices in Maó, currently in the final phase of construction, will open to the public next autumn and will house the space where the Consell de Menorca will provide a personalised housing support service to citizens on the island of Menorca. The Island Housing Office will move to this space.

The premises are located at Carrer Borja Moll, 21, and Carrer Fernández de Angulo, 2 and 4, in the municipality of Maó. The IBAVI cedes the use of these premises to the Consell four years after the resolution of the previous agreement for the cession of space by the IBAVI in the summer of 2020, in the context of the measures derived from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since then, the Consell has been providing the service in premises rented by the same island institution while awaiting the transfer of a new space by the IBAVI. Over the last year, both the current government of the Consell and the IBAVI and the Regional Ministry of Housing, Territory and Mobility have been working on this new collaboration agreement.

Through this service, voluntary and free advice is offered to citizens on housing and the defence of access to housing. This service has to provide social accompaniment and, where appropriate, specialised and personalised legal and technical accompaniment about various situations, such as those related to the loss or difficulties in the payment of mortgages or rents of the habitual residence; pre-contractual obligations and possible abusive clauses in the financing, rental or purchase of housing; the rental or purchase of a home; information on existing housing aid; accompaniment, advice and management related to the guarantee of the maintenance of basic supplies; or financing related to housing.

The agreement is for four years, with the possibility of renewal on an annual basis up to a maximum of four years.

During the signing ceremony of the new collaboration agreement, the councillor José Luis Mateo thanked the work done by the Consell de Menorca, as well as the IBAVI and the Conselleria during Marta Vidal’s previous term as councillor. The new head of Housing, Territory and Mobility highlighted the work of the IBAVI, both in terms of its attention to the public and its investment in public housing developments.

For his part, the president of the Consell de Menorca, Adolfo Vilafranca, said that ‘access to housing is a priority for the Consell Insular’. ‘This agreement allows us to move forward in the centralisation of housing services provided by different administrations on the island. The ultimate goal is to help citizens, to clarify and simplify. In other words, to move towards more streamlined procedures and improve the service provided to people,’ he said.