The Institute of Cultural Industries publishes its call for modernisation with a budget of 300,000 euros

Sep 1, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This line of aid is aimed at investments that favour the modernisation, innovation and technological development of the cultural industries.

The Institute of Cultural Industries of the Balearic Islands (ICIB) has published a grant for a total amount of 300,000 euros to support investments that enable the modernisation, innovation and technological development of industries in the cultural sector during 2024.

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The Institute of Cultural Industries publishes its call for modernisation with a budget of 300,000 euros

Specifically, the grants announced by the ICIB will be allocated to the digitisation and application of new technologies in the activity of the industries; the acquisition of new equipment and machinery that involves the improvement and modernisation of the production, management and distribution system of the cultural industries; and to promote the implementation of the digital transformation of the cultural industries.

The maximum amount of aid that each beneficiary project may receive will be 50% of the total budget and will never exceed 25,000 euros.

To explain how it works, the ICIB has called an information meeting for entities interested in these grants on Friday 30 August. In its effort to bring the institution closer to the cultural industries sector and to facilitate productive dialogue and support for companies, the ICIB holds informative meetings for each of its calls for proposals, this being the second one to be held in 2024.