The Regional Ministry offers 299 places in a new period of extraordinary schooling for pupils from 0 to 3 years of age

Sep 1, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

/ There are vacancies in Palma, Campos, Costitx, Santanyí and Formentera.

/ The pupils admitted will start classes in November

The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats has opened an extraordinary schooling period for children aged 0-3 by creating 299 new places.

In Palma, there are a total of 186 vacancies in the following centres: CC Centro Internacional de Educación CIDE (28 places), CC Nuestra Señora de la Consolación (37), CEI Kaia (55), CEIP Anselm Turmeda (30) and CEIP Son Pisà (36).

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The Regional Ministry offers 299 places in a new period of extraordinary schooling for pupils from 0 to 3 years of age

There are also 36 new places at CEIP Joan Veny i Clar in Campos, 30 at CEIP Nadal Campaner Arrom in Costitx, and 10 at CEIP Mare de Deu de la Consolació in Santanyí.

In Formentera, the CC Virgen Milagrosa has 37 places available.

Saturday, August 31, the BOIB publishes this resolution. In this new process of extraordinary schooling, all students, both those who did not apply or did not get a place in the previous process (held between April 22 and May 3), and those who, having a place, want to apply for a new one in another centre.

The students who obtain a place in this extraordinary process will join the classrooms on Monday 4th November.