The Consell de Eivissa presents the Ocho de Agosto 2023 and 2024 prizes

Sep 2, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The awards ceremony for the Ocho de Agosto Awards took place in Sa Nostra Sala, a meeting attended by the president of the Council of Eivissa, Vicent Marí, and the councillor for Culture of the Council of Eivissa, Sara Ramon.

The president of the Eivissa Council, Vicent Marí, declared that ‘this exhibition, which brings together the winning works from the last five years, shows that we are an island proud of its age-old roots, which continue to be a source of inspiration for all our local artists’.

For her part, the councillor Sara Ramon wanted to thank ‘all the people present to participate in this great celebration of Eivissa’s culture, and I also extend my thanks, as is only right, to all the people who have been part of the juries of the awards and all the artists who have presented their works’.

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The Consell de Eivissa presents the Ocho de Agosto 2023 and 2024 prizes

At this event, prizes were awarded in the different categories of the Ocho de Agosto Awards for the year 2023, as well as for this year 2024.


Ocho de Agosto Painting Prize

Winner of the Ocho de Agosto Award in the category of Painting 2023, Patricia Boned Saez for the work Sol post.

Ocho de Agosto Award for Clay Craftsmanship

Winner of the Ocho de Agosto Award in the modality of Clay Crafts 2023, Neus Riera Tur for the work entitled Clips.

Ocho de Agosto Photography Prize

Winners of the Ocho de Agosto Award in the category of Photography 2023, ex aequo to Joan Costa Garcia the photographs presented with the titles El misterio de las iglesias blancas and Francisco Javier Mas Ferra Escars.

Ocho de Agosto Award for Graphic Design

Winner of the Ocho de Agosto Award in the modality of Graphic Design 2023 in Margarita Tur Riera with the work presented with the title Tradition with absolute modernity.

Ocho de Agosto Award for Music

Winners of the Ocho de Agosto Award in the modality of Music 2023, ex aequo

Modern Music: to Ivan Domenech Santos with the piece Algún momento and in the grouping Carlos Vesperinas García, Hector González Sáez and Silvia Torres Planells for the piece Ya hace un año.
Classical Music: Miguel Ángel Aguiló Matas for the piece Cuatro poemas mediterráneos and Héctor González Sáez for the piece Torres de defensa.
Ocho de Agosto Research Award. Category declared void


Ocho de Agosto Research Award

Winner of the Ocho de Agosto Prize in the category of Research 2024, Agnès Vidal Vicedo for the work La caja negra. Sumario de la Guardia Civil.

Ocho de Agosto Award for Painting

Winner of the Ocho de Agosto Award in the modality of Painting 2024, to Augusto Banegas Martinez with the work El golpe en la tierra.

Ocho de Agosto Award for Clay Craftsmanship

Winner of the Ocho de Agosto Award in the modality of Clay Crafts 2024, in Nora Buitrago Baldiviezo with the work entitled Micelio.

Ocho de Agosto Photography Prize

Winners of the Eight of August Award in the category of Photography 2024, ex aequo in Neus Prats Tur with the work Homage to the (last) bell ringer and Isabel Sanz with the work Catalina Escandell Riera de Can Joan d’en Gall.

Ocho de Agosto Graphic Design Award

Winner of the Ocho de Agosto Award in the modality of Graphic Design 2024, the author is Antonio Ribichesu with the title Passion and dedication to the collective identity of the Balearic Islands.

Ocho de Agosto Award for Music. Category declared void

Presentation of the catalogue ‘The last five years (2019-2023)’.

This event also served to present the catalogue of the exhibition ‘The last five years (2019-2023)’, which brings together the artistic works (painting, clay crafts, photography, graphic design) of these Awards over the last five years. Some of these award-winning works, by a total of 22 artists, have been exhibited in the Sa Nostra Sala space since 1 August, an exhibition that concluded this afternoon after the awards ceremony.