The Conselleria d’Educació I Universitats will give more days to the interim teachers affected by computer problems when allocating vacancies to join the centres

Sep 3, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Despite the delay, the allocation of 2,609 vacancies in the Balearic Islands has been completed this evening

The Regional Ministry of Education apologises to the schools and teachers affected

The Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats has allocated 2,609 vacant teaching posts in the first-weekend procedure to fill vacancies for the 2024/2025 school year in the Balearic Islands.

Due to computer problems, the allocation process has been delayed. The Directorate General of Teaching Staff and Concerted Centres technicians have been working intensively to complete the allocation of places.

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The Conselleria d’Educació I Universitats will give more days to the interim teachers affected by computer problems when allocating vacancies to join the centres

The Regional Ministry apologises to the schools and teachers affected by these problems. The interims who have been allocated a place are informed that they will have until Wednesday to join their centre if they do not have to move from the island, and until Friday if a trip is necessary. Even so, the interims with a place will receive the economic retribution from this Tuesday.

In addition, Conselleria has announced that it will begin implementing new software to guarantee the allocation of vacant teaching posts without incident in the future.

In this first process, 1,934 vacancies were available in Mallorca, 647 in Ibiza, 72 in Formentera and 286 in Menorca. Of the 14,000 temporary staff registered in the Conselleria’s job bank, nearly 4,000 have taken part in the process of applying for one of the vacancies. This year, intending to make the procedure more transparent and fair, the Conselleria first informed the 10,000 interims who did not participate in the process that they did not have a vacancy and then proceeded to allocate the vacancies among the 4,000 interims who did register.

In this first process, 1,934 vacancies were available in Mallorca, 647 in Ibiza, 72 in Formentera and 286 in Menorca. Of the 14,000 temporary staff registered in the Conselleria’s job bank, nearly 4,000 have taken part in the process of applying for one of the vacancies. This year, intending to make the procedure more transparent and fair, the Conselleria first informed the 10,000 interims who did not participate in the process that they did not have a vacancy and then proceeded to allocate the vacancies among the 4,000 interims who did register.