Albares chairs the meeting with African ambassadors in which he gives them details of the future ‘Africa Strategy’

Sep 6, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation continues the round of meetings to reach a consensus on the text that will give new impetus to foreign policy towards the African continent.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, has met with representatives of African embassies to share the progress made on the new Strategy before it reaches the Council of Ministers.

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Albares chairs the meeting with African ambassadors in which he gives them details of the future ‘Africa Strategy’

The presentation of this Strategy, with which the government seeks to give new impetus to foreign policy towards the continent, was attended by representatives of all the African embassies accredited in Spain. This meeting is part of the round of consultations that have also taken place with their respective authorities through the Spanish embassies in Africa, as well as through the visits to Africa recently made by the Minister.

Today’s meeting, chaired by Albares, is part of a series of working meetings aimed at finalising the last details of the text. Earlier this week, the minister also held a meeting with the government secretaries of state involved in this Strategy.

With this Strategy, Spain seeks greater coordination with its African partners based on strengthening partnerships and on the principle of mutual respect and assumes a leadership role as the European country closest to Africa.

Spain maintains a growing political dialogue with the AU and ECOWAS, as a partner in trade and investment, development cooperation, security and migration management. It is a leading country in the transport and energy infrastructure sectors, in the fishing sector (with the largest fishing fleet in the EU), and is present in several African countries with cultural and educational cooperation instruments and with a growing demand for Spanish language learning.

After today’s meeting, a new meeting of the Africa Roundtable is planned, which, under the chairmanship of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, will bring together the General State Administration and Spanish civil society before the final text is submitted to the Council of Ministers for its definitive approval.