Morant announces that the Government will finance 80% of the tuition fees of nearly 8,000 young people studying Artificial Intelligence at Spanish universities

Sep 6, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities has detailed that the Government will allocate 30 million euros to the new ‘Artificial Intelligence Training Programme’ in public and private universities in Spain.

This project is promoted by and is a collaboration between the Ministries for Digital Transformation and the Civil Service and Science, Innovation and Universities, to train students in the new digital frontiers and socio-economic transformations in fields such as sustainability, biotechnology, engineering and quantum technologies.

The Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant, announced today that ‘the Government of Spain is going to launch the “Artificial Intelligence Training Programme”, with which it will allocate at least 30 million euros to finance up to 80% of the tuition fees of nearly 8,000 young people studying AI in Spanish universities’, both public and private.

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Morant announces that the Government will finance 80% of the tuition fees of nearly 8,000 young people studying Artificial Intelligence at Spanish universities

During the closing ceremony of AMETIC’s 38th ‘Digital Economy and Telecommunications Meeting’, Morant explained that ‘this is a project promoted by, a public entity attached to the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Function, through the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence, in collaboration with the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU) to train students in new digital frontiers and socio-economic transformations in fields such as sustainability, biotechnology, engineering and quantum technologies’.

In this sense, he advanced that at the beginning of 2025, we will present the call for this new programme and we will award the first vouchers during the first quarter of the year. ‘We will do this through a catalogue that will include university programmes that include Artificial Intelligence among their subjects, and we will reduce any bureaucratic hurdles as much as possible,’ she said.

The minister also stated that ‘our goal is to continue training the best professionals to continue to fuel the transformation that this country is already undergoing’.

The Spanish Government’s commitment to R&D&I and the ICT sector
During his speech, Morant also highlighted the Spanish Government’s commitment to R&D&I through the largest investment in our country in this area.

Since 2018, the Centre for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), which reports to the MICIU, has committed funding of more than 1,107 million euros in this area.

Of this amount, 1,031 million euros have been used to directly finance 2,135 R&D&I projects, almost half of them in the form of grants, and the remaining 76 million euros have been allocated to venture capital in 47 innovative companies in the ICT sector, through the Innvierte programme.