The government approves the supply of several exclusive medicines worth 12.4 million euros

Sep 6, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Exclusive medicines have no competition because the patents of the laboratories that supply them have not yet expired.

Eleven active ingredients are used to treat different illnesses

The Consell de Govern has approved the contract for the supply of various exclusive medicines marketed by Pfizer SL, worth 12.4 million euros and destined for Health Service centres. Exclusive medicines are those that lack competition because the patents of the laboratories that supply them have not yet expired.

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The government approves the supply of several exclusive medicines worth 12.4 million euros

The object and necessity of this tender is the supply of eleven exclusive medicines used to treat different diseases.

Among the different active ingredients in this procurement are medicines that are used to treat different cancer-related diseases: to reduce tumour growth and to treat different types of cancer such as leukaemia or lung, breast or colorectal cancer.

The active ingredients include medicines to treat cancer such as leukaemia, lung cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer.

Other active ingredients include antibiotics (called cephalosporins) that help destroy certain bacteria that can cause serious infections; medicines that kill or stop the growth of the fungus that causes fungal infections; anaesthetics that are used to put patients to sleep during an operation; a medicine to treat amyloidosis; or a medicine to treat inflammatory diseases.

The pharmaceutical provision is part of the common services portfolio of the national health system. It is intended to cover the needs for the use of the exclusive medicines included in the dossier for therapeutic indications approved by the competent health authority.