In two months, the Consell’s tourism inspection services processed 39 sanctioning proceedings amounting to more than 1.5 million euros in fines

Sep 7, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

-So far, 576,090 euros have been collected in tourism fines over this year.

The councillor of the Department for the Fight against Intrusion, Mariano Juan, has highlighted the ‘good work rate’ of the Inspection and Collection services of the Consell de Eivissa, which has meant that over the last two months, 36 sanctioning proceedings have been processed regarding illegal tourist rentals, with 42 proposed fines amounting to 1,578,000 euros.

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In two months, the Consell’s tourism inspection services processed 39 sanctioning proceedings amounting to more than 1.5 million euros in fines

Among the proceedings is a fine of 120,000 euros, the highest sanction, to a single marketer for renting three properties in the same building in the municipality of Eivissa (in the same case there are three proposed sanctions), there are also three fines of 80,000 euros to three single marketers for marketing two properties each (in the same case there are two proposed sanctions). The rest of the proposed fines are 40,000 euros for marketing illegal tourist homes in the towns of Eivissa, San José, San Antonio and Santa Eulalia.

These sanctions have been processed after the tourist inspection service of the Consell de Eivissa reviewed these properties, and found infringements in tourism matters due to the advertising, contracting and marketing of the properties without having presented the corresponding responsible declaration of the start of tourist activity or the previous communication.

The sanctioned rentals were advertised through Airbnb, Homeaway, Milanuncios and on Facebook pages where the Council’s inspectors also act and search for offenders.

All the properties described are not susceptible to tourist commercialisation on the island of Eivissa. The advertising of all of them was carried out without having presented a declaration of responsibility for the start of the tourist activity, and without being registered in the Island Register of Tourist Businesses, Activities and Establishments. The properties were advertised on platforms and social networks with availability calendars, check-in and check-out instructions, booking cancellations and other services.

Mariano Juan, wanted to thank the two services of the Consell involved in ‘the most important fight we have now: the fight against intrusiveness’ and stressed that throughout this year, until today, 576,090.03 euros have been collected in sanctions for tourism, surpassing last year when the total collected in 2023 was 480,519 euros for the same concept and in 2022, 407,674 euros.

‘We are taking firm and decisive steps to combat illegal tourist rentals and with the figures we are maintaining, this year we will achieve a level of collection never seen before in Ibiza,’ said Juan. The councillor recalled that all offenders end up paying the fines imposed, either through the voluntary payment period, forced payment, in which the Treasury intervenes and the procedure continues until the offender is found and the amount of the fine is seized; and, in the event that the offender is a foreigner, as he/she remains a debtor in our country, he/she will no longer be able to operate in Spain, since, as soon as he/she has any type of economic income in the country, the Tax Authorities will detect it and will resolve the forced payment of the amount owed.