The Department of Economy and General Services opens the new Menorca Craft Centre

Sep 7, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

It will be open from 10 am to 1 pm and from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm from Monday to Friday and from 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays.

The Department of Economy and General Services presented this Friday, 12th July, the new Menorca Craft Centre, a space where local products, those closely linked to the idiosyncrasy of the island, will be showcased.

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The Department of Economy and General Services opens the new Menorca Craft Centre

The Centre aims to be a point of reference for Menorca’s craftwork, where it promotes and also helps to preserve and disseminate traditional crafts as part of the island’s historical memory without renouncing the demands and challenges of the present.

The building, which is over 100 years old and listed as a heritage asset, is ceded by the Town Council of Mercadal through a collaboration agreement with the Island Council, the administration in charge of planning, coordinating and designing the programmes and services of the Craft Centre.

‘From the Department of Economy and General Services, we are very happy to be able to inaugurate this craft centre. Menorca has a cultural wealth of great value and in this space, we will be able to see how the hands of the Menorcans make a unique and special product. We are now embarking on a new stage in which we intend to give Menorcan craftsmanship the visibility and merit it deserves,’ explained the councillor, Maria Antònia Taltavull.

‘In the foyer there is a new space called ‘Es Portal’, where there is a small curatorial exhibition with synergy of the artisan artist. Right now there is Isabel Arias, who has presented her jewellery collection. Then there is the ‘Artesanies actuals’ room, where we will have visions of all the artisans who represent a bit of Menorca’s identity, where they can bring different articles and therefore, there will always be new things, they will keep changing’, commented Muriel Parra, the project’s director.

On the first floor there is another permanent exhibition, ‘Fabricant Menorca. L’artesania d’ahir, avui i demà’, where visitors can see the tools and all the materials that were used to work in the Menorca of the past, thanks above all to donations from families.

There will also be another room, which is still inoperative, where temporary exhibitions will also be held, linked to conferences and debates. Finally, there is a small corner with different books on handicrafts that will allow visitors to get information and can read them at the tables and chairs in the foyer, keeping the space alive and active.

The Craft Centre will be open from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 1 pm and from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm. On Saturdays it will be open from 10am to 2pm.