Diada de Mallorca: Awards, Honours and Distinctions, exhibition of the Llibre de les franqueses i privilegis and offering to James II

Sep 10, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Consell de Mallorca celebrates the institutional acts this Thursday 12th September

The Consell de Mallorca has organised more than 100 activities to commemorate the Diada de Mallorca. On the 12th of September will take place, among others, the inauguration of the exhibition of the Llibre de les fraqueses i privilegis, the floral offering to Jaume II and the Premis, Honors and Distincions as main acts of the celebration.

The Llibre de franqueses i privilegis del Regne de Mallorca exhibition will open to the public in the Audience Hall of the Palau del Consell at 11:00 a.m. and can be visited until 8:00 p.m. The exhibition will remain open until the 15th of October. The exhibition will remain open until the 15th of September, from 9 am to 8 pm. The bibliographic piece compiles the set of franchises and privileges granted to the Kingdom of Mallorca between 1230 and 1341 by Jaume I and the three monarchs of the House of Mallorca: Jaume II, Sanç and Jaume III.

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Diada de Mallorca: Awards, Honours and Distinctions, exhibition of the Llibre de les franqueses i privilegis and offering to James II

At 11 a.m. there will also be a floral offering at the tomb of Jaume II in Mallorca Cathedral, led by the president of the island institution, Llorenç Galmés, in which any person or entity can take part by registering free of charge by emailing protocol@conselldemallorca.net.

In the evening at the Teatre Principal, at 7 p.m., the Premis, Honors i Distincions awards ceremony will be held to recognise the work carried out by people or entities in favour of Mallorca. The gala will feature performances by Jaume Anglada and Carolina Cerezuela, and Maria Jaume.

The medals of Honour and Gratitude of the Island of Mallorca have been awarded to the Mallorcan sculptor Remigia Caubet; the footballer Abdón Prats Bastidas; the entities Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi and EAPN-Illes Balears, and the family workshop Ca Mandò Bet dels Siurells. Miquel Barceló was also named Favourite Son of Mallorca.

The Jaume II awards, which are presented to individuals and legal entities that have stood out during the previous calendar year in the promotion of the symbols, historical references or the name of Mallorca, will go to the painter Gustavo Peñalver; the businesswoman Carmen Planas; the musical group Anegats; the Association of Industrialists of Mallorca; the ELA Balears Association; the company Melicotó and the Valentes Dones. This award will also be presented, at the proposal of civil society, to the composer, choir conductor and educator Baltasar Bibiloni Llabrés and the organist Gerhard Grenzing.