The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs supports the awareness campaign ‘Del suïcidi, en xerram’

Sep 11, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The director general of Social Affairs and the care coordinator of Mental Health and Addictions today attended the launch of the campaign organised by 3 Salut Mental.

The Director General of Social Affairs, Pep Falcó, attended the launch of ‘Del suïcidi, en xerram’. This awareness campaign is an initiative of ‘(des)Integrades: Programa de prevención de la conducta suicida desde la vertiente socio-comunitaria’ of 3 Mental Health, financed by the Conselleria de Familias y Asuntos Sociales through the 0.7% of the IRPF.

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The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs supports the awareness campaign ‘Del suïcidi, en xerram’

The launch of the campaign took place on the occasion of World Suicide Prevention Day, which is commemorated every 10 September, a claim that the Government has joined to make this problem visible and breaking the silence and stigma experienced by people who suffer from it, as well as their families and friends.

‘For the Govern is very important to support a campaign such as that of 3 Salut Mental, for the prevention of suicide, and especially the accompaniment for families,’ said Falcó. ‘For all these reasons,’ he stressed, “it is very positive that there is an association that provides professional support and makes a situation that generates so much anguish more viable”.

Today’s event was also attended by Antoni Zamora, care coordinator for Mental Health and Addictions, representing the Regional Ministry of Health, which is also collaborating in the campaign. ‘We have all the care areas ready to respond to requests for help when someone has a self-harming idea,’ said Zamora. ‘When someone has an idea of harming themselves,’ he said, “they should ask for help because the community has the means to help them”.

The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs reminds people who are close to suicide that the following telephone numbers are available: Emergencies (061/112/024), Telephone of Hope (971461112), Association of Family and Friends of Suicide Survivors (657 716 340) and (dis)Integrades (681 92 58 93).