The Orquesta Sinfónica Illes Balears presents the 2024-25 subscription season

Sep 12, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The OSIB will offer more than 50 concerts between seasons and extraordinary concerts with a wide participation of Balearic artists.

The Orquesta Sinfónica Illes Balears (OSIB) has presented the 2024-25 season at a press conference. The event was presided over by Jaume Bauzà, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports; Pedro Vidal, Secretary of Culture and Sports; Cristina Martínez, Manager of the OSIB and Pablo Mielgo, the OSIB’s chief conductor. As the minister explained, ‘the new season is structured with a total of 11 subscription concerts in the Auditorium de Palma, between the 31st of October 2024 and the 8th of May 2025’. Furthermore, Bauzà pointed out that the OSIB will offer a total of 50 performances, including extraordinary concerts, operas, social cycles, educational programmes, etc.

‘One of the main objectives of the Balearic Islands Symphony Orchestra Foundation is to have a presence in new spaces, with programmes adapted to all audiences and a territorial balance,’ the minister explained. The subscription season in the Auditorium of Palma will begin on the 31st of October 2024, at 8 pm, with a programme comprising A. Berg’s ‘Concerto in Memory of an Angel for violin and Orchestra’ and F. Schubert’s Symphony ‘La Grande’ with solo violinist Sergei Dogadin and Pablo Mielgo conducting.

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The Orquesta Sinfónica Illes Balears presents the 2024-25 subscription season

The chief conductor of the OSIB has declared that this new season will have 12 guest soloists with the participation of artists from the Balearic Islands such as the bass/baritone Simon Orfila, the voice of Júlia Colom or the flautist Rafael Adobas. Also present will be the violinists Sergei Dogadin, Gidon Kremer, Sara Ferrández and Alena Baeva; the pianists Eva Gevorgyan and Martin Garcia; the cellist Julia Hagen and the baritone José Antonio López.

Grieg; Symphony No. 11 ‘The Year 1905’ by D. Shostakovich; Symphony No. 1 ‘Titan’ by G. Mahler; Piano Concerto No. 5 ‘Emperor’ by L. v. Beethoven and the premiere of the Mallorcan composer Mercè Pons with the work ‘Fantasia sobre la Atlantis’.

In addition to the conducting of the OSIB’s principal conductor Pablo Mielgo, guest conductors such as the Mallorcan Antonio Méndez, Victor Pablo-Pérez and Nilo Venditti will also take centre stage. In this sense, Cristina Martínez, manager of the OSIB, wanted to make special mention of the concert ‘Gala de las Illes Balears’ on 27th February 2025, which is included in the season and will be free for all, with artists from the Islands such as Simón Orfila, Júlia Colom, Rafael Adobas and the choir Aires Formenterencs.

The season will end on the 8th of May with J. Sibelius‘ “Violin Concerto” and J. Brahms’ ‘Symphony No. 4’ with violinist Alena Baeva and conductor Antonio Méndez.

One of the novelties this year, as the manager of the OSIB explained, will be the covers for each of the concerts in the Auditorium of Palma with paintings by the Mallorcan painter Daniel Codorniu, a great follower of the OSIB, who left us last year. We at the Fundació Orquestra Simfònica Illes Balears think this is the best way to pay tribute to him.

Season tickets will be on sale from the 4th to the 27th of September 2024 (old season ticket holders) and from the 2nd of October (new season ticket holders), for 300 euros (stalls) and 225 (amphitheatre), all through the ticket offices of the Auditorium of Palma.

Individual tickets will be available for sale from the 7th of October for 35 euros in the stalls and 30 in the amphitheatre. Students from music schools and conservatories will have tickets at 5 euros; youth cardholders will have a 50% discount, and groups of 10 people will have a 10% discount. In this case, in addition to the box office, tickets can also be purchased through the symphony’s website.

Extraordinary concerts

The Orquesta Sinfónica Illes Balears will offer 5 extraordinary concerts in Palma’s Teatro Principal with jazz concerts such as the one on 26th September with Marco Mezquida; on 5th December with narration by José Luis Garci (winner of an Oscar and a Goya) and Inocencio Árias; a lyric gala on 23rd January 2025 with the soprano Vanessa Goikoetxea, the Capilla Mallorquina and the direction of the Mallorcan conductor José Maria Moreno; on 13th March 2025, an evening with the four seasons by A. Vivaldi with the direction and solo of the Mallorcan conductor José Maria Moreno; on 13th March 2025, an evening with the four seasons by A. Vivaldi with the Mallorcan conductor and soloist Francisco Fullana and on the 25th of April with the violinist Alexandra Conunova and the conductor Sascha Goetzel.

Tickets for these five concerts will go on sale next week and can be purchased on the Symphony’s website or at the box office of Palma’s Teatro Principal.

In addition to these five concerts, there are 24 more performances in the Balearic Islands with extraordinary concerts, operas, lyric galas, social cycles, educational programmes and, of course, the corresponding season in the Auditorio de Manacor, participation in the Festival de Santanyí, etc. In 2025, it is important to highlight the concert offered by the OSIB on the 14th of May, in the Sala Verdi de Milà, with works by Spanish composers such as Chapí and Manuel de Falla, with the pianist Davide Cabassi and the conductor Pablo Mielgo.

Thus, in the more than 50 concerts that the OSIB will offer between seasonal and extraordinary concerts, numerous artists from the Balearic Islands will be featured, such as Simón Orfila, Francisco Fullana, Rafael Adobas, Marco Mezquida, Irene Mas, Antoni Lliteres, Tomeu Bibiloni, Júlia Colom, Coral Universidad Islas Baleares, Capilla de la Seu, Capilla Mallorquina, el corazón Aires Formeterencs, Antonio Méndez, José Maria Moreno and Mercè Pons.