The mayors of Palma and Tangiers signed a twinning agreement aimed at deepening relations of proximity between the two cities

Sep 14, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

During the ceremony, which took place on the premises of the host corporation, Jaime Martínez Llabrés thanked Mounir Lymouri and the corporation over which he presides for their hospitality and highlighted the new scenario of opportunities that the agreement opens up from an economic and cultural point of view.

Palma, 13th September 2024. The mayor of Palma, Jaime Martínez Llabrés, and the first alderman of Tangiers, Mounir Lymouri, signed the document this Friday that includes the collaboration agreement whose main objective is to strengthen the ties of proximity and cooperation that unite the two cities.

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The mayors of Palma and Tangiers signed a twinning agreement aimed at deepening relations of proximity between the two cities

This was the highlight of the programme of events that Martínez Llabrés, the head of the delegation representing Palma City Council, has been holding since yesterday Thursday in Tangiers, and which will continue throughout this afternoon and tomorrow Saturday. The delegation also includes the first deputy mayor and councillor for Tourism, Culture, Sports and Municipal Coordination, Javier Bonet.

The institutional ceremony, which took place on the premises of the Tangier Town Hall, was also attended by the Spanish ambassador to Morocco, Enrique Ojeda, and members of the host corporation and the consular and diplomatic corps.

The agreement sets out several commitments made by the two signatory city councils, aimed at fostering a framework of collaboration that will result, as the mayor of Palma said during his speech, ‘in positive effects for our respective territories, both from the economic and social point of view and from the perspective of disseminating culture and heritage’.

Martínez Llabrés thanked the representatives of the Tangiers City Council for their hospitality and welcome, and highlighted the contribution of the citizens of Morocco ‘to the modern evolution of Palma and its progressive transformation into one of the Mediterranean’s great points of reference’.

For Cort’s first councillor, the official visit he is making these days in Tangiers should be seen as a meeting between friends who aim to get to know each other better and more deeply, based on the realisation that numerous historical references unite us, as is also the case with Morocco and Spain’.

Likewise, Jaime Martínez highlighted the importance of the Mallorcan and Spanish legacy in Tangiers, referring both to the large number of Spanish newspapers that were published in the Moroccan city throughout the 20th century and to the contribution of specific individuals, such as the recently deceased pedagogue and librarian Jaume Bover Pujol.

Bover lived in Tangiers between 1986 and 2008, playing a notable role in promoting the cultural life of his host territory.

Once the institutional act of signing the agreement was over, the mayor of Palma left his signature in the Tangiers Town Hall’s Book of Honour, followed by the exchange of official gifts between the two Corporations.

On the part of Palma, the mayor presented a framed lithograph by Menéndez Rojas and a sculpture of the Cort olive tree, an original by Nicolás Joyeros. At the same time, the mayor of Tangiers reciprocated by presenting a coat of arms of the city, a book and a piece of handicraft.

The agenda of the Palma delegation in Tangiers also includes other events during this Friday, such as a visit to the City of Professions, several business meetings at a hotel of the Majorcan chain Barceló and a visit to the golf club.

The day will end at the headquarters of the association ‘La Créche’, dedicated to the protection of abandoned children, and a dinner in honour of the mayor and the entourage representing Palma City Council.

Tomorrow, Saturday, before returning to the island, Martínez Llabrés and the rest of the municipal delegation will take part in a visit to the Tangiers Medina and in a farewell ceremony to be held at the Ibn Battuta Museum.