Successful participation in the sports day organised by the Consell in the Sant Ferran sports centre on the occasion of the Diada de Mallorca (Mallorca’s Day)

Sep 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The participating families participated in dance, fit dance, slingshot shooting, paddle tennis, alternative modalities such as ultimate or touchball, and water games in the swimming pool.

On the Diada de Mallorca occasion, the Consell de Mallorca organised a sports day at the Sant Ferran sports centre. Families enjoyed a morning of sports at different exercise stations and games for all ages.

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Sant Ferran sports centre

The participants practised dance, fit dance, slingshot shooting, cardiovascular training, paddle tennis, and alternative modalities such as ultimate, hockey, flag rugby or touchball. There were also several play areas such as inflatables for the little ones, and the swimming pool was opened with water games.

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, visited the day and commented that ‘the Consell is a benchmark in the promotion of family sports, with programmes throughout the year that allow people to enjoy sports stays, races, adventure days and now sports for the elderly’. And he added, ‘There is no better opportunity to show part of the activity that we move through the municipalities of Mallorca in the facilities of the institution in Sant Ferran, to be able to share it on a date as important as the Diada de Mallorca’.

The institution continues this Sunday with a week of cultural and sporting agenda that has hosted more than a hundred events.