The Government approves the call for grants for the Royal Academies of the Balearic Islands

Sep 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The deadline for submitting applications is tomorrow, Friday, and will last fifteen working days.

The Government of the Balearic Islands, through the Ministry of the Presidency and Public Administrations, has approved the call for grants for the Royal Academies of the Balearic Islands for the year 2024.

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The Government approves the call for grants for the Royal Academies of the Balearic Islands

Specifically, the Government of the Balearic Islands will allocate an amount of €38,000 from the budget of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands to support the activities of the Royal Academies of the Balearic Islands, to facilitate the public law corporations to carry out their purposes of study and generation of knowledge, and to promote the transfer of this knowledge to institutions and society. It has also authorised the advance payment of up to 100% of the grants awarded.

The purpose of the grants is to carry out study, research and knowledge promotion activities carried out during the year 2024 by the entities that have them as their purpose, to favour the transfer to institutions and society, such as the organisation of courses, conferences, workshops, conferences, meetings, seminars, research programmes, events or round tables, and participation in these; the publication of books, journals, studies or reports; the creation or improvement of websites or other types of communication activities; the organisation of or participation in exhibitions, fairs, fairs, concerts and other similar activities.

This call also includes the operating costs of the headquarters of public law corporations (royal academies), rent, cleaning, voice and data telephone communications, electricity, gas, water, rates and taxes on the property and insurance, which will be eligible for subsidy provided that they are essential to prepare or execute the project properly and are directly related to the subsidised activity.

The reasons for public interest for the advance payment of up to 100% of these subsidies are justified by the fact that these are non-profit entities which, in general, have very limited resources to meet the payment of the expenses generated by the realisation of their purposes and have difficulties in accessing credit. In most cases, these entities operate based on the voluntary dedication of their members, without a staff structure.

In general, grants shall be paid once the purpose for which the grant was awarded has been accredited and the execution of the subsidised activity has been justified.

To submit applications, the Directorate General for Institutional Relations and Relations with Parliament of the Regional Ministry of the Presidency and Public Administrations will set up a telematic procedure that will be available on the website of this Directorate General and on the electronic headquarters of this Administration.