The president of the Consell Insular de Menorca, Adolfo Vilafranca, supports Menorcan companies in Bisutex

Sep 16, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The fair welcomes a total of 7 Menorcan companies, increasing the number of participants compared to the previous one held in February.

The president of the Consell Insular de Menorca, Adolfo Vilafranca, visited the Bisutex fair in Madrid on Thursday 12th September, where Menorcan costume jewellery companies have the opportunity to showcase their work.

The participation grouped by the Spanish Association of Costume Jewellery Manufacturers and held at the IFEMA fairgrounds in Hall 4 at the Feria de Madrid from today, 12th September, until Sunday, 15th September, welcomes a total of seven Menorcan companies, thus increasing the participation compared to the last fair. Specifically, the participating companies from Menorca are: Anga Bisuteria, Estampadora Mahonesa, Inbime, Mir Fornituras, Roman Camps, Sea Jeys and Vanderly.

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The president of the Consell Insular de Menorca, Adolfo Vilafranca, supports Menorcan companies in Bisutex

This location offers buyers easy access and, especially, the opportunity to visit the fashion and accessories fairs held in Madrid: Bisutex, Km.0, Madridjoya, Intergit and Momad in the same space and during the same dates.

For the first time, and with the support of the Consell Insular, Menorca’s component manufacturers have a joint stand at the Km.0 Moda fair, where a sample of their products can be seen.

‘We are attending Bisutex to support a strategic sector for Menorca, the jewellery industry. This industry allows us to diversify the island’s economy,’ says the president of the Consell Insular, Adolfo Vilafranca.

Bisutex is currently celebrating the second fair of 2024 (the first was in February), presenting the proposals for the autumn-winter season.

Vilafranca was joined at the fair by the Balearic Government’s Councillor for Enterprise, Employment and Energy, Alejandro Sáenz de San Pedro, the Director General for Enterprise, the Self-Employed and Trade, José Antonio Caldés, and the Director General for Industry and Industrial Estates, Ingrid de la Fuente.