The number of people registered with Social Security was 637,914, which implies an increase of 21,125 people compared to last year.
Unemployment fell by 2,192 persons, -7.3% compared to September 2023.
31,544 new contracts were registered, 289 more than a year ago (+0.9%).
The self-employed regime in the Balearic Islands has 105,079 members in September, 16.5% of the total number of registered employees.
The Balearic Islands registered 637,914 registered Social Security affiliates in September, an increase of 21,125 people compared to 2023 and +3.4% in relative terms. In Spain as a whole, there was an increase of 2.3%. All the Autonomous Communities experienced increases in Social Security enrolment in year-on-year terms, most significantly in the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands (+3.2%) and Madrid (+3.0%).
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The Balearic Islands have consolidated their position as one of the communities leading to the growth in employment and the fall in unemployment
In month-on-month terms, the Islands recorded a fall in enrolment of 14,375 persons (-2.2%). In Spain as a whole, enrolment is up slightly on the previous month (+0.04%). A total of eleven Communities experienced a reduction in the number of persons enrolled on August, while four Communities saw an increase.
About unemployment, the Balearic Islands recorded 27,962 unemployed persons in September, representing a decrease of 2,192 persons (-7.3 %) to September 2023. By islands, unemployment fell most in Menorca (-9.7 %), followed by Ibiza (-9.4 %), Mallorca (-7.0 %) and Ibiza (-6.0 %). On the other hand, it rose in Formentera (+31.5 %). Thus, the administrative unemployment rate for September stands at 4.2 % in the Balearic Islands, 0.5 points below that of September 2023, which was 4.7 %.
In Spain as a whole, unemployment showed a year-on-year decrease of 147,183 persons (-5.4 %).
By groups, compared with the previous year, there was a greater decrease in unemployment among women (-9.1%), those over 25 years of age (-8.8%) and Spaniards (-9.1%). On the other hand, it rises among those under 25 (+6.6 %) and non-EU foreigners (+2.1 %).
Unemployment fell in all sectors, and most significantly in the rest of the services sector (-11.1 %), hotels and catering (-8.4 %), and industry (-7.4 %); on the other hand, it rose among those without previous employment (+2.4 %).
With regard to the duration of demand, a decrease in unemployment was observed, especially among people with less than three months of demand (-11.7 %). Long-term unemployment (persons registered for more than 12 months) fell by -7.8 %.
From a month-on-month perspective, unemployment fell compared to August by 150 persons (+0.5 %). This fall is only seen in Mallorca (-1.4 %), which offsets the increase in Formentera (+58.7 %), Menorca (+5.0 %), and Ibiza (+1.6 %).
The regional secretary for Labour, Employment and Social Dialogue, Catalina Cabrer, emphasised: ‘September offers good data on Social Security enrolment and employment, which we had already predicted. The month of August behaved discreetly, but September confirms our forecasts. We insist that these data are good, but we must continue to work towards quality employment.
And he remarked: ‘The low rate of temporary employment and part-time hiring in the Balearic Islands is practically half that of Spain as a whole. It should also be noted that one of the bases of quality employment is that there is a low accident rate. We have data from July 2024, the most up-to-date, where we have found that there has been a 9.6% year-on-year reduction in the general accident rate in all sectors, such as construction (13.7%), agriculture (20.08%) services (12%) and hotels and catering (1.6%). We continue to work discreetly and prudently because these are July data, but we think that the effort we are all making is being noticed by the government, trade unions and employers.
In September 31,544 new contracts were registered in the Balearic Islands, 289 more than a year ago (+0.9%). Hiring rises in Mallorca (+6.0%) and falls in the other islands: Ibiza (-21.2%), followed by Formentera (-8.1%) and Menorca (-2.9%). Hiring rose most significantly among men (+1.1%), those under 25 years of age (+1.9%), and non-EU foreigners (+4.7%). And it falls among EU foreigners (-4.4 %). By sector, recruitment fell in all sectors, except in the rest of the services sector which rose by +8.3 % in commerce (+6.5 %), and most significantly in agriculture (-32.4 %) and hotels and restaurants (-8.2 %).
Compared to the data of the previous month (August), hiring experienced an increase of 1,515 contracts (+5.0 %). This increase occurred in Mallorca (+9.0 %) and Ibiza (+0.2 %). On the other hand, it fell in Formentera (-40.9 %) and Menorca (-21.9 %).
By groups, hiring increased more among women (+8.8 %), the over 25s (+8.9 %) and Spaniards (+8.2 %), while it fell among the under 25s (-5.1 %) and EU foreigners (-5.0 %). By sector, hiring increases mainly in construction (+108.0 %) and industry (+30.5 %), and falls in agriculture (-44.9 %) and hotels and restaurants (-19.8 %).
The percentage of permanent contracts out of the total number of contracts is higher in the Balearic Islands (60.9 %) than in the national average (43.8 %). The Balearic Islands continue to lead the ranking of autonomous communities with the highest percentage of permanent contracts in September.
The self-employed regime in the Balearic Islands totalled 105,079 members in September, 16.5 % of the total number of registered employees. Self-employed members experienced an increase of 2,332 members (+2.3 %) compared to September 2023 and a decrease of 87 members (-0.08 %) compared to the previous month.
In Spain as a whole, the self-employed accounted for 15.9% of the total registered employment and increased by +1.1% to last year and 0.2% to last August.
Job seekers
The total number of job seekers in the Islands in September was 56,338 persons, which represents an increase of 520 persons (+0.9 %) to September 2023. Job seekers experienced an increase in all the islands, especially in Formentera (+28.5 %), followed by Menorca (+2.0 %), Menorca (+2.0 %), Ibiza (+1.1 %) and Mallorca (+0.6 %).
By groups, and compared to the previous year, there was an increase in job seekers, especially among men (+2.9 %), those under 25 years of age (+7.2 %) and non-EU foreigners (+12.5 %), while it fell among women (-0.6 %) and Spaniards (-1.2 %). By sector, job seekers rose above all in the group with no previous occupation (+10.0 %), followed by construction (+5.5 %) and hotels and restaurants (+3.3 %). They fell in the rest of the services sector (-2.5 %), agriculture (-0.9 %) and industry (-0.4 %).
From a month-on-month perspective, the number of job seekers rose to August, 228 more people, +0.4 % in relative terms. Claimants fell in Mallorca (-1.7 %) and rose in the other islands, especially in Formentera (+42.5 %), followed by Menorca (+11.6 %), and Ibiza (+6.6 %).
Finally, the unemployment benefit protection rate for all claimants stands at 41.7%, which is 0.3 points below that of September 2023 (42.0%).