The Consell de Mallorca will intervene at the UN to defend the cause of the Saharawi people

Oct 5, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The president Galmés announces that the insular institution destines for the first time 75.000 euros extraordinary to the association Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui (Friends of the Saharawi People)

The Consell de Mallorca will intervene before the Special Political and Decolonisation Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations, in New York, at the request of the association Friends of the Saharawi People and the Polisario Front, to defend the cause of the Saharawi people and demand a greater involvement of the UN in the conflict in Western Sahara.

The president of the Consell, Llorenç Galmés, the councillor of the Presidency, Antoni Fuster, and the insular director of Coordination, Sandra Morell, form part of the Spanish delegation, coordinated by the International Association of Jurists of Western Sahara, which will appear next week in the so-called Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly.

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The Consell de Mallorca will intervene at the UN to defend the cause of the Saharawi people

The same delegation includes representatives of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, the members of the Parliament of the Balearic Islands: Marga Durán of the Partido Popular, Omar Lamin of the PSOE, Marta Carrió of Més per Mallorca and Joana Gomila of Més per Menorca, the Observatorio de Derechos Humanos por el Sáhara Occidental de Asturias and of Castilla la Mancha, among others. Llorenç Galmés stressed that ‘it is a fact that demonstrates the unanimous consensus between the different political forces of the Balearic Islands on Western Sahara’.

After a meeting with the president of the association Friends of the Saharawi People, President Galmés celebrated the fact that the Consell de Mallorca ‘is increasing its commitment to the Saharawi people by allocating for the first time an extraordinary 75,000 euros’.

First, the insular institution dedicated 25,000 euros through the Fons Mallorquí to emergency issues. Now, Galmés has announced that ‘we are allocating an additional 50,000 euros to alleviate the catastrophic effects of the floods’ that have taken place in recent weeks. ‘We are not forgetting the 174,000 people who live in a refugee camp in extremely harsh and poor conditions,’ he said.

Aid to the Sahrawi people

In addition to the aid announced today, this year the Consell de Mallorca has earmarked 40,000 euros for a child health and nutrition project for children, and 10,000 euros for the association’s ‘Vacacions en Pau’ programme so that the children can enjoy activities during their stay in Mallorca, such as the one organised at Palma Aquarium this summer.