The Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy of the UIB and the Health Service organised a conference for students of health sciences on good practice

Oct 5, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

More than 600 professionals took part in this awareness-raising activity aimed at attracting future professionals.

The Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy of the UIB and the Health Service of the Balearic Islands, through the regional coordinating centre known as Host-Illes Balears, have held an information day at all UIB campuses to bring nursing and physiotherapy students closer to the BPSO programme and its good practice guidelines. More than 600 students took part in the event.

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The Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy of the UIB and the Health Service organised a conference for students of health sciences on good practice

The Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO®) programme is an international initiative to implement and maintain best practices in health care, based on scientific evidence. Most of the health institutions of the Balearic Islands Health Service are part of this initiative.

The activity is part of an awareness-raising strategy aimed at attracting future professionals as promoters and collaborators in the implementation of the guides to promote better quality care for users.

During the day, each guide had a stall, in the format of a street market, where students participated in various interactive activities designed to deepen their knowledge of the guides and the work carried out by professionals in the community. The activities were designed from an innovative perspective, departing from traditional dynamics, presenting learning in the form of a game and placing the student in a proactive role.

The Balearic Islands currently have ten good practice guides implemented: vascular access; support for adults waiting for or living with an ostomy; breastfeeding; prevention of falls and reduction of injuries resulting from falls; promotion of safety: alternatives to the use of restraints, assessment and care of adults at risk of suicidal ideation and behaviour; assessment and management of pain; person- and family-centred care; palliative approach to care in the last twelve months of life and reduction of foot complications in diabetics.