The Island Hunting Directorate opens the general closed season and extends it for some modalities and species

Oct 18, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The calendar for pigeons, wood pigeons, woodcock, starlings and thrushes with shotguns has been extended until 9 February.

The Mallorca Island Hunting Department of the Consell de Mallorca announces the opening of the general hunting season in Mallorca, which began on 12th October, one of the most eagerly awaited days for all the island’s enthusiasts.

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The Island Hunting Directorate opens the general closed season and extends it for some modalities and species

During this period you can hunt, in addition to the species authorised during the half-closing period, the rest of the huntable species, such as thrush, partridge and woodcock, among others.

The novelty this season is that the calendar for pigeons, wood pigeons, woodcock and thrushes with shotguns has been extended until 9 February. The hunting days for shotgun hunting in the reserves are Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays and national and/or regional holidays.

On the other hand, hunting on free land is permitted as long as the municipality has signed up to the framework plan. The days when hunting is allowed are Thursdays and Saturdays, except for hunting with ‘filats a coll’, which are the same days as in the hunting grounds.

As regards birds, as a novelty, different season-end dates have been established: 26 January for all hunting species of ducks, snipe, coot, partridge (except for partridge with a claim), pheasant, grey and mistle thrush; 9 February for common and red-winged thrush, starling, woodcock, pigeon and woodpigeon.

On the other hand, both hare hunting, with the permitted modalities of falconry and greyhounds, and rabbit hunting, with any modality, ends on 3 December. Hunting of the latter species may be extended until 31 December, with the express authorisation of the owner of the hunting ground.

The second vice-president and councillor for the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports, Pedro Bestard, has valued the fact that it has been possible to extend the hunting days for some species and modalities in Mallorca, while insisting that his department ‘is committed to hunting and to preserving it’. ‘The hunting sector contributes to the preservation of species at risk, to the control of populations and, in short, to the conservation of biodiversity,’ said Pedro Bestard.

Traditional modalities

The hunting of partridge with a claim starts on the 29th of December and ends on the 26th of January, except with the holder’s express authorisation, which can be extended until the 10th of February. The novelty of this season is that this modality can be practised every day of the week.
Thrush hunting in the ‘filats a coll’ modality can be practised on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and national and/or regional holidays until 27th January, after which it can be practised every day of the week until 10th February.