The 19th edition of the Fira del Llibre en Català de Menorca (Catalan Book Fair of Menorca) has arrived

Oct 20, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The 19th edition of the Fira del Llibre en Català de Menorca (Catalan Book Fair of Menorca) has been presented at the Sa Catòlica bookshop in Maó. The fair, promoted by the Department of Culture, Education, Youth and Sports of the Consell Insular de Menorca, will be attended this year by eight bookshops on the island: Llibreria Pau, vaDllibres and Juguettos Ca na Joana, from Ciutadella; Sa Llibreria, from Ferreries, and Llibreria Catalana, Sa Catòlica, Xalallibres and Jocs, from Maó.

The Fira will be held on the 25th and 26th of October in Maó, in the Plaça de la Constitució, following an agreement between the Department of Culture and the booksellers, who have jointly organised the format. Thus, this year the event will return to its usual two-day format to showcase the main new Catalan-language publications.

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The 19th edition of the Fira del Llibre en Català de Menorca (Catalan Book Fair of Menorca) has arrived

The councillor for Culture, Education, Youth and Sports, Joan Pons Torres, has highlighted ‘the collaborative spirit of the booksellers to be able to carry out this new edition and the department’s commitment to this sector to maintain the fair and to be able to hold another one in July oriented towards the production of Menorcan authors or themes’. Pons also thanked the Maó Town Hall for its collaboration in bringing this literary event to fruition.

For this occasion, a programme of activities has been designed that gives special importance to young people on Friday morning. The Fira will be inaugurated by a group of students from the IES Pasqual Calbó Secondary School in Maó, who will perform excerpts from the play ‘Coses estranyes’, based on stories by Pere Calders. The students will also be interviewing the writer Anna Maria Ticoulat, before the presentation of her poetry book for children, ‘Una carrossa divertida’. The morning will end with an illustration exercise for children by Sílvia Vivó.

One of this autumn’s new publishing novelties, the new book by Maite Salord, ‘El temps habitat’, will also have its place at the Fira. Finally, the first day will end with the insular final of the ‘Carta en terra…’ competition, organised with the Xarxa de Biblioteques de Menorca (Menorca Library Network) and presented by Silve Pons.

On Saturday morning, the new volume of short stories by Clara Barceló, ‘Monstres de ca nostra’, and the publication of the winning texts of the Francesc de Borja Moll Prize for 2024 will be presented. Another competition, ‘Lletres i mots’, presented by Malu Morro, will also see its final held as part of the Fira. The Ferrerienc writer Joan Pons will also be at the Fira to present his new book of poetry, ‘El diable crucificat’.

Finally, on Saturday afternoon there will be a conversation with the authors of the book ‘Menorca desapareguda’ (Ester Cladera, Laura Piris and Joan Pau Salort) and the architect Joan J. Gomila (‘Menorca, guia d’arquitectura’), as well as the presentation of the podcast ‘L’illa dels oients’, a new literary offer in a different format. The Fira will end with a musical performance by Maria Àngels Gornés, who will interpret poetry by Joan F. López Casasnovas.