The Mallorcan club will host the final of this competition in which it will face Magnus Futsal of Brazil.
The match will be played on Saturday 2 November at the Palacio Municipal de Deportes de Son Moix.
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Direct grant of 160,000 euros to the Balearic Islands Palma Futsal to organise the Intercontinental Cup 2024
The Consell de Govern has approved the granting of a direct subsidy of 160,000 euros to the Palma de Mallorca Futsal Sports Association to host the final of the 2024 Intercontinental Futsal Cup. The match, which will be played on Saturday 2 November at the Palacio Municipal de Deportes de Son Moix, will pit the Islas Baleares Palma Futsal, winners of the UEFA Futsal Champions League, against Magnus Futsal of Brazil, winners of the Copa Libertadoras.
The proposed agreement presented by the Regional Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport stresses that the holding of this competition in the Balearic Islands is something that has never happened before and is unlikely to be repeated in the short term. In addition, it values positively the sporting impact of the competition, as well as the media importance on a global scale, given that journalists from all continents are expected to be present in Mallorca to follow the event.