To favour the social and labour insertion of people in a situation or at risk of social exclusion.
The Island Council of Menorca and Cáritas Diocesana have approved the collaboration agreement for the implementation of accompanying actions to promote the social and labour insertion of people at risk of social exclusion, through various action plans.
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The Department of Social Welfare grants 120,000 euros to Cáritas Diocesana de Menorca (Diocesan Caritas of Menorca)
The beneficiaries of these insertion programmes are referred by the basic community social services of the municipalities of the island of Menorca, which are responsible for accrediting the situation of social exclusion.
Cáritas Diocesana de Menorca is a non-profit organisation whose aims include improving the living conditions of people in situations of poverty or social exclusion through its actions or in collaboration with other public and private entities.
Thus, the Department of Social Welfare of the Island Council of Menorca plans to grant nominative aid in favour of the entity for a maximum amount of 120,000 euros for the management of socio-labour insertion workshops, an action framed in the close collaboration between the Island Council and Caritas to continue working and promoting the welfare of people.
Caritas will have to develop the necessary tasks to carry out the aforementioned actions through the different employment promotion projects they will offer to these groups: clothing workshop, WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) workshop, RE-fashion shops and Mestral shops.
Through the combination of socio-occupational training actions, consisting of an individual intervention plan aimed at satisfying or solving specific problems arising from the situation of social exclusion.
‘The Menorca Island Council is determined to continue providing this support to these people and groups, taking into account the need detected, and therefore considers it necessary to ensure maximum coordination and collaboration with public and private entities and the third sector working in the field of social services, to attend to and cover situations of poverty or social need’, says Carmen Reynés, Councillor for Social Welfare.