The president, Llorenç Galmés, closes the conferences that have been organised to promote an active life.
The Consell de Mallorca has closed with great success the first stays for people over 60 years old, an initiative created to promote an active life and socialisation. 1,000 people took part in the programme, which was held at the Blau Punta Reina Resort hotel, in two sessions between the 4th and 8th of November. The President of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, attended the closing ceremony, where he shared time with the participants and thanked them for their enthusiasm and participation.
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A thousand people take part in the stays for the elderly
The programme included a wide variety of activities, such as hiking, line dancing, ballroom dancing, gymnastics and pilates, offering participants a comprehensive experience that ‘combines exercise, fun and relaxation’. President Galmés stressed the importance of initiatives like this for the elderly population of Mallorca: ‘These stays are a commitment to active ageing for our seniors’.
She added that ‘it is a space where they can reconnect with other people, share experiences and, above all, feel active and valued. Our commitment is clear: to continue expanding and improving these programmes so that they reach more people and continue to contribute to a full and healthy life. Llorenç Galmés stressed that ‘the success of the initiative reflects the fact that the institution listens to their demands and needs’.
The stays were 75% subsidised by the Consell de Mallorca, at a cost of 58.30 euros per person, which included accommodation for three days and two nights with full board.