The Govern de les Illes Balears has opened the deadline for submitting applications for rental subsidies for 2024, from this Friday until 15 December (until 11.59 p.m.). To make the application and access the information on the call, you can consult the website enabled by the Directorate General of Housing and Architecture.
The new call for applications, published in the BOIB on 12 October, initially has a budget of 9.2 million euros, with a state contribution of 7 million euros through the State Housing Plan and 2.2 million euros from the Autonomous Community’s own funds.
By the conditions established by the Ministry of Housing and the Urban Agenda, this aid covers a maximum of 50% of the monthly rent of up to 900 euros, with a limit of 3,000 euros per year per dwelling.
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The Government of the Balearic Islands opens the deadline for applications for rental subsidies for 2024, starting this Friday until 15 December
The income limits established for eligibility are also maintained. As a general rule, the income of the cohabitation unit cannot exceed 25,200 euros per year, three times the public income indicator for multiple effects (IPREM).
This limit is increased in certain cases: up to 33,600 euros (four times the IPREM) in the case of large families in the general category, people with disabilities or victims of terrorism; and up to 42,000 euros (five times the IPREM) in the case of large families in the special category or people with disabilities with a recognised degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%.
On the website you can consult the information on the grants and process applications online. In addition, a face-to-face appointment can be requested for all those who require support in the processing of applications.
The requirements to be eligible for aid are, among others: to be the holder of a rental contract for a dwelling; for the rented dwelling to be the habitual and permanent residence of the applicant; for the holders of the contract to be Spanish nationals or legally resident; to meet the established maximum income requirements, for the maximum rent to be equal to or less than 900 euros per month and to be up to date with the payment of rent at the time of application.
Likewise, the beneficiary must obligatorily use this aid to pay the rent. This aid is not compatible with any other aid for the payment of rent under the State Plan for Access to Housing 2022-2025, nor with any other aid which, for the same purpose, may be granted by the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands, local authorities or any other public administration or entity.
Exceptional cases of aid for victims of gender-based violence, victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, victims of sexual violence, people who have been evicted from their habitual residence, homeless people and other particularly vulnerable people, as well as people receiving non-contributory social security benefits and beneficiaries of the minimum living income are not considered to be affected by this incompatibility.