The councillor for Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, met today with the president of the hotel employers’ association, María Frontera, to analyse the proposals of the study on the charging study.
The Consell de Mallorca is continuing with its roadmap to reach a consensus on the proposals put forward by the study on freight to improve mobility in Mallorca. For this reason, the councillor of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, met today with the president of the Hotel Business Federation of Mallorca (FEHM), María Frontera, with the aim of analysing the measures of the freight study that the island’s institution has drawn up. This is the case of the regulation of the entry of vehicles into Mallorca.
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The Consell de Mallorca receives the support of the Hotel Federation to promote a regulation to improve mobility in Mallorca
Rubio and Frontera were accompanied by the island directors Rafel Gelabert (Infrastructures) and Rafel Oliver (Mobility), as well as the vice-president of the Hotel Federation, María José Aguiló. The meeting analysed the load study and the different measures it proposes. In addition to regulating the entry of vehicles, among other measures, the study talks about increasing the number of park-and-ride lots and building a network of civic roads. The Consell de Mallorca is already working on these two plans, with 7,100 parking spaces and more than 60 kilometres of lanes for cyclists and pedestrians.
Fernando Rubio thanked the Hotel Federation for ‘their willingness and willingness to dialogue, with the aim of seeking solutions to the problem of mobility, a problem that also has negative consequences for the main industry of this island, tourism’.
The councillor then explained the island’s roadmap: ‘We are already working on the draft to promote a parliamentary initiative that will allow us to take the measures proposed by our study of the load and which, as you know very well, are along the same lines as Eivissa: the regulation of the entry of vehicles, in order to improve mobility in Mallorca and that there is greater control over cars entering the ports, among many other initiatives. As the president Llorenç Galmés explained, we want to start applying them as soon as possible, but we know that there is no material time for next year and we hope that it can be within 2026’.
For her part, the president of the Hotel Federation, María Frontera, stressed ‘the importance of taking firm steps towards sustainable and efficient mobility for all Mallorcans’. ‘The charging study is a first step that must be accompanied by investment and courageous decisions, in line with regional policies,’ added Frontera, after thanking the Consell de Mallorca for its dialogue and consensus.