Once again, Inca Town Council commemorates 25N, the International Day against Gender Violence, with a special programme of activities designed by the Espai de Dones Inca (Inca Women’s Centre). Thus, the hanging of the commemorative banner of this date by representatives of all political forces of the Consistory.
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Inca commemorates the 25N
Afterwards, pupils from schools and users of the local organisations gathered in the Plaça Espanya, where they exhibited all the murals they had created in support of their demands. During the day, attendees could vote for the work they liked the most, which will be the cover of the magazine ‘Inca con Voz de Mujer’ (Inca with a Woman’s Voice) in 2025. There was also a tribute to the women murdered at the hands of their partners or ex-partners in 2024.
At 6 p.m., a manifesto will be read in Plaça d’Espanya, followed by a performance in memory of the victims of male violence by the Bella Dona and Bruixes de Mallorca associations. There will also be a performance by the students of Lights On Company.