The government celebrates 25 years of institutional promotion of cooperation policies

Dec 11, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The work of 44 organisations that have been working for a quarter of a century to improve people’s lives in the Global South is recognised.

The Government of the Balearic Islands wished to celebrate the 25th anniversary of creating the Directorate General for Cooperation as the body responsible for regional policy in this area.

At a gala event held at the Teatre Xesc Forteza in Palma and presided over by the President of the Government, Margalida Prohens, the work carried out by 44 organisations over the last quarter of a century has been recognised, which have contributed, in collaboration with the Directorate General, to improving the quality of life of thousands of people. Since its creation, the Directorate General has supported more than 160 entities, established alliances with 70 countries in the Global South, and more than 113 million euros allocated to cooperation and education projects for social transformation.

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The government celebrates 25 years of institutional promotion of cooperation policies

The event reviewed the evolution of cooperation in recent years and how it has been transformed from terminology to actions. The evolution of concepts such as the Third World, which now encompasses the term Global South, and how actions have evolved from tackling poverty to a broad concept of defending human rights, were analysed.

At the gala, the general directors of these 25 years and the technical team that has made possible the development of all the cooperation actions were recognised.

The award-winning entities were: Amics de la Terra, Apotecaris Solidaris, Assemblea de Cooperació per la Pau, Associació d’amics del poble sahrauí de les Illes Balears, Associació d’amics de Tilloli, Associació Poble Solidari, Associació botigues solidàries de les Illes Balears S’altra Senalla-Casal de la Pau, Amics de la infància, Associació família i societat (AFIS), Associació Pa i Mel, Càritas Diocesana de Mallorca, Càritas Diocesana de Menorca, Centre d’Estudis Rurals i d’Agricultura internacional (CERAI), CESAL, Coordinadora d’ONG-CONGDIB, Creu Roja, Ensenyants Solidaris, Entrepobles, Fundació Home Lliure-Projecte Home Balears, Fundació Juan Ciudad, Fundació Vicente Ferrer, Fundació Deixalles, Fundació Barceló, Fundació Concordia Solidària, Fundació Instituto Sindical para la cooperación al desarrollo-ISCOD, Fundació Mussol, Fundació UNICEF, Justícia Alimentària, Llevant en Marxa, Mallorca Amiga, Mans Unides, Metges del Món, Veïns sens fronteres, Taula per Àfrica i Treball Solidari.

The event was attended by the councillor of Families and Social Affairs, Catalina Cirer, and the director general of Cooperation and Immigration, Catalina Albertí, as well as the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, and the councillor of Health, Manuela García, among other authorities.