The government launches a new platform to facilitate the management of the maritime-terrestrial public domain

Dec 24, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The new tool makes it possible to process the authorisations, concessions and permits necessary for the use and exploitation of the coastline, including commercial, cultural and recreational activities.

The Directorate General for Coasts and Coastal Areas of the Regional Ministry of the Sea and Water Cycle has launched a new digital platform designed to simplify and speed up procedures related to the maritime-terrestrial public domain (DPMT). Since last Monday, citizens, companies and administrations can manage a wide variety of administrative procedures telematically, promoting a more efficient management of coastal areas.

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The government launches a new platform to facilitate the management of the maritime-terrestrial public domain

The new tool allows the processing of authorisations, concessions and permits necessary for the use and exploitation of the DPMT, including commercial, cultural and recreational activities, as well as the provision of seasonal services or the long-term occupation of coastal spaces. It also includes the processing of discharges from land to the sea, ensuring compliance with current environmental regulations.

The Director General of Coasts and Coastal Areas, Carlos Simarro, stressed that this project reflects the Government’s commitment to administrative modernisation and sustainability. He explained that the development of this website ‘reduces technological barriers and makes it easier for anyone interested to carry out the necessary procedures from anywhere and at any time’.

The new tool covers the main procedures related to the use and management of the DPMT. These procedures include:

Authorisation for specific activities in the DPMT: This procedure makes it possible to apply for permits for cultural events, and recreational or commercial activities that temporarily use the coastline.
Permits for audiovisual productions: Management of the necessary authorisations for filming, photographic sessions or audiovisual productions in coastal areas.
Seasonal services: Processing of authorisations for temporary services during specific times of the year, such as boat rental, water sports or beach kiosks.
Concessions for long-term occupations: Allows the management of longer-term occupations, such as permanent installations or commercial projects that require continuous use of the DPMT.
Authorisation for discharges into the sea: This regulates activities involving discharges from land into the marine environment.

Authorisation for discharges into the sea: This regulates activities that involve discharges from land into the marine environment.
This website ( is part of the Government’s efforts to boost digitalisation and transparency in administrative procedures, while at the same time promoting the protection of the maritime-terrestrial public domain.