During the extraordinary plenary session, the Minister of Finance and Public Function, Rafel Bosch, has defended that with this injection the island institution wants to ‘protect the pockets of citizens’ and that ‘Mallorcans do not have to suffer a rate increase for the treatment of urban waste’.
The plenary session of the Consell de Mallorca has definitively approved the extraordinary credit modification of €19,119,217.32 to regularise Tirme’s waste treatment fees after rejecting the allegations presented by the Socialist and Més por Mallorca groups. The definitive approval went ahead with the votes in favour of the Popular Group, Vox and the abstention of El Pi in an extraordinary session.
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The Consell de Mallorca ratifies the extraordinary credit modification of 19 million euros to regularise waste treatment fees
During the debate, the councillor for the Treasury and Public Function, Rafel Bosch, defended the fact that the island institution is approving this credit modification ‘to protect the pockets of Mallorcans and prevent them from having to suffer a rate increase for the treatment of urban waste next year’. Along these lines, Minister Bosch stated that ‘this was our commitment to the citizens and we are working to keep our word’.
In addition, the Minister of Finance regretted that the elimination of the subsidy for renewable energies by the Ministry for Energy Transition on 30 June 2023 has meant that the Consell de Mallorca will no longer receive 12 million euros, a fact that has a direct impact on the tariff system.
Councillor Bosch explained that of the 19.1 million euros, 13.5 million euros are invested in the implementation of a new tariff for the treatment of the organic fraction of Municipal Collection (FORM), as established by the State Law 7/2022 of 8 April on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy. In this way, the island institution aims to encourage the selective collection of the organic fraction and adapt to a more sustainable and efficient waste management model. This new rate will be 100% subsidised by the Consell de Mallorca. On the other hand, €5,427,297.19 is earmarked to regularise the deficit of the last tariff cycle, corresponding from June 2023 to May 2024, as a result of the unforeseeable deviation of the service’s real electricity revenues from those initially estimated.