‘I’ve got it in my blood”: slogan and preferred poster to promote blood donation among young people in the Balearic Islands

Jan 3, 2025 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Almost a thousand people decided on the image to promote blood donation among young people, which will be the main theme of the video contest organised by the IBJOVE.

A survey carried out by the Balearic Blood and Tissue Bank (BSTIB) and the Balearic Youth Institute (IBJOVE), with the participation of 942 people, has confirmed that the poster with the slogan ‘I take it to the blood’ is the preferred one to promote blood donation, especially among young people aged 18 to 30. This slogan received 735 votes, representing 78% of the total, and far surpassed the alternative ‘Young, rebellious, donor’, which received 207 votes (12%).

Next steps: competition to find the best videos promoting blood donation

As a result of the collaboration agreement signed between the BSTIB and IBJOVE, the slogan ‘It’s in my blood’, chosen as the favourite in the survey, will serve as the thread of the video contest, the call for entries for which has just been published and ends on 27 February. The competition aims to produce creative videos aimed at promoting blood donation and, at the same time, to ensure the generational replacement of the donor community with the incorporation of young people from the Balearic Islands.

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‘I’ve got it in my blood”: slogan and preferred poster to promote blood donation among young people in the Balearic Islands

The main objectives of this initiative are knowledge and awareness of blood donation, the creation of a video bank on the subject and the promotion of creativity and the use of audiovisual tools among young people.

The recipients of the competition, to which IBJOVE has earmarked 4,000 euros, are high school, secondary school and vocational training centres and Carnet Jove holders between the ages of 18 and 30.

The first two prizes in the respective categories, i.e. per educational centre or Carnet Jove holder, are worth 1,000 euros each, the second two, 500 euros each and, finally, the four third prizes, 250 euros each.

The videos submitted must be original and unpublished, and the technical and participation requirements can be consulted on the Carnet Jove de les Illes Balears website.