The insular institution celebrates the success of the more than 40 proposals that have been made available to the citizens, such as exhibitions, dramatised routes and concerts, among others.
The Consell de Mallorca successfully closed the programme of Christmas activities, which has counted with great participation in the more than 40 cultural and recreational proposals organised for all the citizens. In total, more than 110,000 people took part in the different events programmed over the last few weeks.
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More than 110,000 people enjoyed the cultural activities organised by the Consell de Mallorca this Christmas
The exhibition of the nativity scene and the neulas of La Misericòrdia has been very well received and has received more than 60,000 visitors in one month. The exhibition of the nativity scene at the Palau del Consell has also been very well received, with more than 40,000 visitors. It should be noted that these are the two largest nativity scenes on the island in terms of surface area and figures, made and assembled by the Associació de Betlemistes de Mallorca. In addition, this year the La Misericòrdia living nativity scene was once again organised for the second consecutive year after more than a decade of absence, and it was a great success, with more than 100 participants and 5,000 visitors.
As for the Christmas concerts, a total of 15 performances were scheduled at the Misericòrdia Cultural Centre, with an attendance of over 4,000 spectators. The six dramatised tours held this Christmas at La Misericòrdia and the Palau del Consell were also very well received: tickets were sold out in all the sessions, with a capacity of 35 people each. It should be noted that they were accessible and had simultaneous translation into sign language. In addition, three conferences dedicated to nativity scenes in Mallorca were held, attracting 150 people.
All this, together with the solidarity component of the activities, has allowed for a collection of toys: the Consell de Mallorca has delivered more than 500 to the Fundació Monti-sion Solidària (Monti-sion Solidarity Foundation).
The vice-president of the Consell de Mallorca and councillor of Culture and Heritage, Antònia Roca, is very positive about the participation achieved during this festive season and reaffirms her commitment to continue offering a quality cultural programme accessible to all: ‘It is a satisfaction to see how the citizens have participated massively in our Christmas activities. Culture is an important element of cohesion and joy during the festive season.
The Teatre Principal triumphs with its family programme
Palma’s Teatre Principal also offered a great family programme over the festive season, bringing together more than 5,000 spectators for a total of seven shows. Twelve performances were held, including the Christmas concert by the Cors, of a solidarity nature; Prima Facie; El Messies; La paella dels dijous; Vai Via and El Malalt Imaginary.